Managing Psychological Stress: Effective Strategies for Young People and Beyond

2023-08-26 13:23:46

Written by: Mental health specialist Dr. Ahmed Alyan Eid

The reality of many young people at the present time is completely different from the previous periods, especially since many of them live in a state of imbalance resulting from their exposure to bad psychological emotions characterized by anxiety, tension, distress and exhausting thinking regarding events and life experiences that they were exposed to in the past, or they live in the present, or they fear their occurrence. In the future, unfortunately, it causes them psychological pressures that may affect the presence of negative thoughts, negative behaviors, and negative feelings that lead to the existence of harmful psychological and physiological disorders. Therefore, many scholars have explained that the term psychological stress is used to denote a wide range of cases of young people emerging as a reaction to influences of different strengths. Psychological stress occurs among young people as a result of external factors, such as the abundance of technological development and the abundance of information that lead to emotional stress, and psychological stress appears as a result of threat and danger, and psychological stress often leads to changes in mental processes, emotional shifts, negative thoughts and beliefs among young people, and he emphasized on This is a group of modern scientific studies on different samples of young people, and one of these studies is a study on a group of university youth, where it clarified and demonstrated and its results reached that young people of both sexes at the university level have psychological pressures that clearly affected them during facing life difficulties, and this confirms the issue of It is important that the complexity of modern life and material and technological progress have helped increase psychological pressures on individuals in general and young people in particular, and we find that psychology has not succeeded much in mitigating the effects of these pressures, and despite the large number of theories and studies that dealt with pressures, they neglected the vertical dimension , i.e. the relationship with the creator of the universe and the spiritual aspect of us as a ram, and focused mostly on the horizontal dimension in the life of the individual, i.e. his relationship with the physical and social environment and others around him.

And the tangible thing, as I explained, is that the complexities of modern life and material and technological progress have helped increase psychological pressure on individuals in general and young people in particular, and medical reports in the United States indicated that 75% of health problems are related in one way or another to psychological stress.

What is remarkable is that the Holy Qur’an acknowledged the existence of pressures in the lives of individuals, and this is evidenced by the Almighty’s saying: Indeed, We created man in the liver al-Balad 4a, which means that man suffers and suffers in life, and Ibn al-Qayyim says: “Man is created in distress, by being in the womb, then In swaddling clothes, then in ties, then he is in great danger when he reaches the obligation, and the suffering of living, the command and the prohibition, then the suffering of torment in Hell, and there is no rest except in Paradise.

An important question may come to our mind, which is what are the symptoms of psychological stress among young people in particular and other individuals in general? The answer is briefly as follows:

Feeling exhausted and bored.

Feeling frustrated and depressed

· Anger, boredom and distress

· Inability to concentrate

High blood pressure and rapid pulse

Difficulty thinking logically and pessimism

Introversion, isolation, and loss of interest in the surroundings

Lack of a sense of security and psychological stability

Stomach and shoulder pain

Unjustified emotional arousal, speed of anger, and strictness with others

Inability to relax

Rigidity of opinion and lack of objectivity

Through this, we had to clarify ways to get rid of psychological stress, which are as follows:

· Achieving balance in various matters of life through the capabilities of the person

· Communicate with people who can help, especially the specialist and the psychotherapist

Expressing thoughts and feelings through self-discharge or with the help of others

Eating healthy, balanced food by promoting proper nutrition and a balanced diet.

Exercise regularly through daily exercise

Application of yoga and relaxation exercises

Get relief during the period of psychological stress

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