Managing like a pilot (De Boeck Supérieur “Management in Practice”, 2023)

2024-07-24 22:00:00
Pages 1 to 18: Starting Page | Pages 3 to 4: Pascal Borie and Celina Rocquet – Why this book? | Page 5: René Amalberti – Foreword by René Amalberti | Pages 7 to 9: Maurice Lévy – Foreword by Maurice Lévy | Pages 11 to 15: Pascal Borie and Celina Rocquet – Foreword | Pages 19 to 38: Pascal Borie and Celina Rocquet – 1. Companies and airplanes: not so different… | Pages 39 to 100: Pascal Borie and Celina Rocquet – 2. Do companies have pilots? |Pages 101 to 124: Pascal Borie and Celina Rocquet – 3. Finding solutions and optimizing your resources in uncertain environments |Pages 125 to 160: Pascal Borie and Celina Rocquet – 4. Crew, aboard! |Pages 161 to 185: Pascal Borie and Celina Rocquet – 5. Complex systems: Let’s get out of the cockpit! |Pages 187 to 190: Pascal Borie and Celina Rocquet – 6. Conclusion: The captain’s attitude |Pages 191 to 192: About the author.
#Managing #pilot #Boeck #Supérieur #Management #Practice



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