Managers often feel alone: ​​an expert advises what to do Business

The hard side of a manager’s job

The position of a manager, and especially a top manager, is one of the most demanding and thankless. True, under certain conditions it can be very redeeming and satisfying, because the effects of the actions decided by the manager can be very wide.

“But let’s start with the hard part of the manager’s job. First, more will be demanded of the manager than he is compensated. The manager bears responsibility not only for himself, the product/service produced, but also for employees and customers. If the customer did not pay the furniture maker for the wardrobe on time, it is possible that the furniture maker’s children will be left without ice cream. If the manager of the furniture company has not managed the cash flow, not only the employees of the entire company may be left without ice cream or lunch, but also the threat of legal measures. Second, the leader is lonely.

Company photo/Raimonda Alonderienė

One of the strengths of a manager is to assemble the right team that will help achieve the company’s goals and lighten the weight of responsibility. However, even in a healthy team, the manager cannot always be particularly open. It is possible that the manager is planning a reorganization that will affect the team and will be able to present his plan only when it is clearer.

It may be that a manager is not happy with the work of a team member, but feels that it might be unprofessional to talk about that person to others. After all, the leader is also human and may feel broken, but he does not necessarily want to transmit the bad emotion to the entire team. Therefore, it is especially important to find ways to maintain a healthy state and find support”, says R. Alonderienė.

Thirdly, according to the HR expert, in some organizations there is a rule that managers do not need support; that they occupy such positions because they are able to work independently. Therefore, there may be a lack of training for managers, a new manager induction process, direct manager involvement and support. Such organizations can have a process for introducing a new employee: what the newcomer needs to learn, what to learn, what to get to know in the first days and weeks, how to fit into the work so that he can do it effectively.

The introduction of the newcomer is supported by his manager, colleagues and personnel specialists. However, similar processes are usually not adapted for managers. True, sometimes it can be difficult to apply them. Have you ever wondered who enters the managers? Who has all the information he should intercept? It is good if there is still a benevolent previous manager and there is enough time for the transition, but this is not always the case.

However, having an onboarding process for new managers is not only worthwhile, it is necessary, because strong leaders will determine the results of the organization and the state of the team. Therefore, it is worth agreeing on what and how a person who has come to a managerial position from the market or who has been promoted from a specialist within the organization must learn and learn. What support can you get from your manager, HR professionals? Who will help to understand the processes of the organization and the rules of the game?

Get over your ego

Therefore, it is natural that when managers face problems, there is no one to lean on, or at least that’s how he feels.

“One of the most important things that a manager should realize is to realize that his possibilities are limited, regardless of how much the shareholders or the team expect from him. The daily resources of time, energy and inner strength are limited. There won’t be more hours in the day, and internal capacities can be strengthened,” says the interviewer.

In her opinion, even though managers are lonely, help can and should be found – it’s just important to get over your ego.

“Although managers are lonely, they can still find help. Here are some alternatives: If the manager has developed a strong team, the more difficult questions and decisions can be shared together. Cooperation between managers and HR specialists is becoming closer and more frequent, where more sensitive, difficult, confidential matters can be discussed.

Developing a relationship with a psychologist, coach and mentor also helps to explore more sensitive issues. There is more than one Manager’s Club on the market, where managers can not only examine more difficult situations, but also realize that they are not alone in facing similar issues. This way you can learn new things and just calm down that every suffering is just a stage of life”, says R. Alonderienė.

However, in the ideal case, it is best when the means are not lacking within the organization itself.

She shares that the organization she represents has “executive clubs”. These are small groups (up to six people) where they discuss what hurts the most at the moment and how it can be solved – after all, the challenges of many managers are similar. One meeting lasts an hour and a half, and managers share insights and advice with each other, sometimes even provoking each other to see the situation from a different perspective.

At the same time, it is an opportunity to strengthen the management team, and sometimes it is simply a safe place to “vent” emotions – which is also necessary. Of course, such sharing also takes place in informal formats – it is important to put effort into creating a safe space where you can share each other’s challenges and experiences.

How much to be frank

Many companies now hold so-called 1-on-1 meetings, during which not only employees are encouraged to open up, but also the managers who communicate with them.

The IT company also organizes such interviews – it depends on the need – they can be weekly, monthly or when the need arises. Meetings are also organized where a senior company manager and a team member meet (skip a level) – this helps to show a bigger picture of how the organization works, what benefits this change creates for the business. In this way, it is also shown that every employee is important to the company.

“What does the employee you are dealing with expect?” Also, keep the manager open – if the person you’re talking to feels like you’re not completely sure, you won’t get a call back, or the connection made won’t be authentic. The employee wants to feel that the manager is also human – for example, if there are changes in the company, it would be strange if the manager says that everything is fine with him.

There is no need to be afraid that not all the answers are known – that is exactly what needs to be communicated. However, it is sometimes difficult to tell how open a leader can be, so the most important thing is the leader’s authenticity – acting as one’s gut tells him. If you failed, you learn and adapt your behavior or reaction to the situation and continue to act according to your own and the organization’s values”, concludes R. Alonderienė.

#Managers #feel #expert #advises #Business
2024-07-31 04:59:13



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