Man shoots dead his three brothers and a niece in his New York home – El Viajero Digital

Man shoots dead his three brothers and a niece in his New York home – El Viajero Digital

A man killed four members of his family and then himself because he was upset at being forced to move out of his late mother’s home in LJoseph DeLucia Jr. and her family had gathered shortly before noon Sunday at her mother’s home in Syosset, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) east of Manhattan (NYC), just three days after burying the matriarch.

In the middle of the meeting, The 59-year-old suspect fatally shot four relatives and then himselfaccording to Island, New York, According to police, other victims were Joanne Kearns (69), a resident of Tampa, Florida; Frank DeLucia (64) of Durham, North Carolina; and Tina Hammond (64) and her daughter Victoria Hammond (3). The alleged suicide killer lived in that house, which was planned for sale.

Sunday He fired 12 bullets from a shotgun, killing his three brothers and a niece.leaving “one of the most horrible scenes I have ever seen,” Nassau County Police Commissioner Patrick J. Ryder was quoted as saying The New York Times.0), both of East Patchogue, Long Island (NY).Nssau County Sheriff’s Office He then walked onto the front lawn of the cul-de-sac, yelled about what he had just done and shot himself, according to Nassau County Sheriff’s Office Capt. Stephen Fitzpatrick.

His family had assured DeLucia that they would support him after his mother’s death, but he was told he would have to move somewhere else, authorities said.

Using so-called “red flag” laws, Local police may have prevented DeLucia from obtaining a firearm If they had known I was dealing with mental health problemsCommissioner Ryder said yesterday.

But although DeLucia Jr. seemed “sad and confused” in recent daysthere were no obvious warning signs that he would turn violent, he told Associates Press Randy Marquis, a neighbor who has lived across the street from the family’s home for about a decade.

DeLucia Jr. worked as an auto mechanic and was also a hoarder, so the house was filled with tools and other repair items, Fitzpatrick added.

Domestic violence is constant in New York City and surrounding areas, between relatives, roommates and partners, even with underage victims. Every day in NYC an average of about 1,000 people are reported 747 incidents of domestic violence -including assault, abuse, verbal abuse- and about 65 homicides per year.

Last week A four-year-old girl was stabbed several times at his home in New Jersey and Her aunt was arrested as a suspect. Previously A couple who planned to get married died in Staten Island (NYC) in an apparent murder-suicide amid a string of family tragedies; and a 26-year-old man was arrested for having killed his twin sister by shooting her in a house in New Jersey.

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