Man flirts with a woman at a party, winked at her and the couple kills him with a bottle

A wink at a woman, understood as a gesture of seduction, was the trigger for the violent and lethal reaction of her boyfriend, who hit the alleged suitor with a bottle on the head, who had to be hospitalized urgently and died more than a month later as a result of the very serious injuries sustained.

Juan Manuel Averillo Bonavía, 40, had to be transferred by a medical emergency team to the General Interzonal Hospital for Acute Patients, where they found sharp injuries to the scalp, a skull fracture and internal bleeding that would shortly followingwards lead to death. The incident occurred in Mar del Plata, Argentina.

The aggressor, identified by police sources as Pablo Sebastián Bettes, 42, might not be apprehended at the scene and was only captured almost two weeks later. He was transferred first to the police station and then to the mayor of Penal Unit No. 44 of Batán, where he was housed and detained.

The attack, which in the judicial investigation was first investigated as serious injuries, then as attempted homicide and now as homicide, was committed on April 3 during a birthday party in a house on Balcarce and Venezuela streets in the Libertad neighborhood, in the western part of the city.

Bettes was there with her partner, a woman to whom Averillo Bonavía winked. The first noticed the situation and insulted him, a discussion that continued outside the room where the meeting was taking place.

According to witnesses, the victim was cornered by at least two people, including Bettes, who settled the lawsuit by taking a bottle and breaking it on Averillo Bonavía’s head.

The episode triggered the reaction of other partygoers, who went out into the street upon hearing the screams and might see the man lying on the floor, with a bloody face and unconscious, according to the accounts of witnesses incorporated into the case.

Prosecutor Romina Díaz, in charge of the investigation, requested the arrest of Bettes. The Guarantees justice granted the request and ordered raids, in one of which they managed to locate and capture the accused. Now the accusation of him is for a more serious crime that exposes him to sentences of eight to 25 years in prison.

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