A tragedy occurred in the popular Times Square in New York City when it was learned that a man, still unidentified, fell from a building and lost his life.
The subject was pronounced dead at the scene of the incident by authorities. The event occurred on 43rd Street, very close to 8th. avenue reported the New York Fire Department in the building known as The Times Square.
They reported that in this building, which has 652 residences and where a hotel is located, there are even rooms for low-income people and even to house patients infected with HIV. One of these people might have been the person who fell from the heights are some hypotheses that the authorities handle.
At the moment it is unknown if the deceased person took their own life or it was simply an accident that ended in tragedy.
In an exclusive area of New York, a woman takes her own life by jumping from a sixth floor
The city of New York was also dismayed a few days ago, following the case of a woman who jumped from a sixth floor, in the morning of this Tuesday, September 20, was known, ending her life.
Although the authorities are investigating the causes of this incident, New York Post reports that the 40-year-old victim, who decided, apparently, to jump from the window of his apartment located on East 57th Street near Third Avenue in Midtown, in the Manhattan district, left a suicide letter, a premise that the Police are still trying to clarify. The NYPD determined that the woman died immediately. It is worth mentioning that the building has 19 floors and has been built for more than 5 decades.
The City Police Department encourages the community to ask for help if they have suicidal thoughts and communicate with the help lines adapted to deal with different crises, more precisely, by dialing 988, the Suicide and Crisis Prevention line.
For its part, the World Health Organization, WHO, ensures that suicide is one of the main causes of death around the world, with young people between 15 and 29 years of age being the most likely to take their own lives.
This case is not the only one that upsets the emotions of Americans, because in recent days there have been reports of public figures who have decided to take their own lives, such as the death of a 27-year-old local journalist, identified as Neena Pacholke, who, in the midst of suffering from a depressive episode, would have decided to end her life.
The case of the presenter, previously recognized in her community as a university basketball star, set off the alarms of the authorities, following a group of friends of the young woman went to local police uniforms to try to find out the state of health of the woman; since, in days gone by, she made evident the suffering of an episode of depression and publicly expressed her desire to end her life; even though she was a few weeks away from her wedding, since months before she had become engaged to her boyfriend, a young man identified as Kyle Haase.