“Man Disguised as Schoolgirl Found in School Bathroom: Shocking Incident in Huancayo, Peru”

2023-04-21 18:26:46

The management of a school in Huancayo, Peru discovered a man disguised as a schoolgirl hiding in a bathroom of the educational establishment.

Authorities say they don’t know how the man got into the bathroom or what he was doing there, but citizens fear he attacked students.

“This man stayed in the toilet for several minutes. This endangers the physical and moral integrity of our students,” school principal Ronald Vilchez told Archyde.com.

When arrested by the police, the 42-year-old man was still wearing his school uniform, a pink cardigan, a mask, a backpack, and two fake braids.

As he was being escorted away, angry parents tried to push him to attack you.

School authorities found photographs of the accused wearing uniforms from other schools on his phone.

When a reporter asked him if he regretted what he had done, the man replied, “Why would I regret it, if I didn’t do anything?”

The detainee was then handed over to Peruvian justice.

#VIDEO #Man #dressed #girl #school #toilet

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