Man dies in carbon monoxide accident in Vienna

2023-12-16 11:28:21

A man died in Vienna after a carbon monoxide accident. His son and his friend were seriously injured while trying to save their father, the fire department announced on Saturday. The incident occurred on Friday afternoon in a single-family home in an allotment garden in Vienna-Floridsdorf.

The son and his friend (22 and 23 years old) found the 54-year-old father motionless in the house and immediately began resuscitation. At the same time, the young men alerted the emergency services. The carbon monoxide warning devices of the Vienna professional rescue team immediately sounded the alarm upon arrival. The Vienna fire department then carried out a large-scale inspection of the building using respiratory protection. Since a high CO concentration could be detected, all windows were opened and a pressure ventilation device was used.

The reason for the accident was probably the operation of an emergency generator in the house. The exact circumstances are still being determined. The 54-year-old man died on the spot. The two young men had to be taken to a hospital for further treatment.

The fire department was on duty in Schwarzen Weg with 24 emergency services and six vehicles. After a good hour, the firefighters were able to leave again around 5 p.m.

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless and odorless gas that is as heavy as air. In severe CO poisoning, the organism suffocates internally. The gas has a high binding ability to the blood pigment hemoglobin and, according to experts, prevents the transport of oxygen even at low concentrations. Symptoms begin with nausea, vomiting and headaches.

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Carbon monoxide is mainly produced by the incomplete combustion of fuels. For this reason, devices powered by internal combustion engines are primarily intended for outdoor use, the fire department said. When used in buildings, proper, professional exhaust gas routing to the outside is absolutely necessary.

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