Man (20) tortures and rapes his therapist for more than 15 hours in his house

On Thursday – almost a week after the crime – he had to appear in court for the first time. Pictures showed that the alleged rapist wore a thick bandage around his head, much of his hair had been shaved – apparently to allow doctors to treat the gunshot wound, and his right eye was bloodshot and swollen shut.

As the broadcaster “WPTV” reports, the therapist told the police that she had been to Tzvi A.’s home several times. She should help the young man as a social worker to find a job and prepare for job interviews. She knew that he had been accused of a sexual offense as a teenager. Up to the day of the crime, every appointment with the 20-year-old was unremarkable. On July 1st – unlike usual – no one but Tzvi A. was at home, according to the US broadcaster.

Read-Tip: {window.dataLayer.push({event: ‘link_click’,link_type: ‘intern’,link_url: ‘ selbstmord-familie-trauert -um-raped-ex-prison-psychologist-4143341.html’})})()”> Susanne Preusker commits suicide: family mourns raped ex-prison psychologist

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