“Malena cannot have died of liver failure,” says the medical examiner

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Mr. Karakoukis carried out a check with the medical examiner Nikos Kalogrea and in their conclusive report to the judicial authorities, they attributed the death of both Malena and Iris to suffocation. The assessment of the two leading medical examiners largely led to the indictment for the deaths of Malena and Iris against Pispirigou, who was already sentenced to life in prison for the murder of her first-born daughter, Georgina Daskalaki.

In his testimony before the MOD, the witness emphasized that the initial assessment of his colleague Christina Tsakona regarding liver failure as the cause of Malena’s death “troubled us” as, as he said, no specific findings had been identified and also that the child’s clinical picture did not was consistent with this diagnosis.

Chairman: What troubled you about the liver failure that Ms. Tsakona wrote about?

Witness: Hepatic coma must have intervened for the liver failure…hemorrhages. He put liver failure without showing any lesions (of the liver) which is a prerequisite for liver failure. Liver failure is the generalized, complete disturbance of the architecture of the liver.

Chairman: Mrs. Tsakona writes about a pale and friable liver.

Witness: No relationship. A disturbance in the architecture of the liver is for example liver cirrhosis. The man then goes into hepatic coma and dies. We have a pale and friable liver in hepatitis.

Mr. Karakoukis emphasized that shortly before Malena died, she was fine, adding that “I’ve never had liver failure in one day before.”

At the start of the procedure, the examination of pathologist Christos Efthimiadis was completed, who, answering a question from the defendant’s defense attorney, said that he cannot rule out, nor can he confirm, that Malena’s death is attributable to a criminal act. He reiterated, however, that the histological findings are consistent with suffocation. “If someone asks us ‘do these findings go with suffocation?’ I will say, yes, they are going” said Mr. Eftychiadis.

The testimony of Mr. Karakoukis will continue on October 30.

#Malena #died #liver #failure #medical #examiner
It seems you've shared a segment ⁤of JavaScript code related to the setup of Google Ad Manager and other advertising integrations on a website. The code appears ⁣to define multiple ad slots, set targeting parameters for ​those ads, and manage the loading of various ad services based on whether the ​user is on mobile or desktop ⁢devices.

Here's a concise ⁢breakdown of key components​ in your code:

  1. Ad Slot Definitions:

-‌ Several ad slots are defined using the googletag.defineSlot method. Each slot‍ has specific dimensions and a unique identifier.

⁣ - The defineSizeMapping method is used to specify different sizes for‍ the ads based‍ on screen sizes (e.g., mobile​ vs. desktop).

  1. Targeting Parameters:

- Code sets targeting parameters such as pageType,‍ category, and article_id. This helps deliver more relevant ads to users.

  1. Bootstrap Configuration:

- Various configurations are set for the ad service, such⁣ as collapsing empty ad divs, disabling initial load, enabling ‍single requests, and‍ centering ads.

  1. Display of⁢ Ad Units:

⁤ - The function displaySlot is called to display the defined ad⁣ slots on the page. The sidebar slots are only displayed if the user is ‌on a desktop.

  1. AdSense⁣ Handling:

- There is conditional ‌logic to remove AdSense elements depending ​on whether the‍ user⁢ is on mobile or desktop, ensuring that the right⁢ ads are shown for⁣ each​ case.

  1. Integrations:

‍ - The code⁣ includes references to services like OneSignal for⁤ push notifications and Disqus for comments.

- There are placeholders for asynchronous script loading for other services like Taboola, Phaistos Adman, and Glomex.

  1. Timeouts and Deferred Loading:

- The code⁤ includes timeout functions for loading certain scripts, which may help in not blocking the rendering of the main content.

If you have specific questions about sections of the code or would⁤ like advice on how to modify⁢ or optimize it, feel free to ask!

Abling slot visibility tracking, and more to enhance the user experience and manage ad placement efficiently.

  1. AdSense Management:

- The script selectively removes AdSense ads based on the device type (mobile or desktop) to optimize ad display and ensure relevance to users' viewing experiences.

  1. Third-Party Integrations:

- The code integrates various third-party services, such as OneSignal for push notifications, Disqus for commenting systems, and Microsoft Clarity for analytics. This integration is handled through deferred script loading to improve site performance.

  1. Ad Management Libraries:

- Functions for asynchronously loading multiple ad management libraries, including Phaistos Adman, Dalecta for video ads, and others, are prepared through placeholder functions, ensuring they run at appropriate times during the page lifecycle.

  1. Event Tracking:

- Commented-out sections indicate where tracking logic for tools like Facebook Pixel might be implemented to monitor user interactions and behavior on the site.

  1. Script Loading:

- The code employs `setTimeout` functions to stagger the loading of different scripts, allowing for better control over resource loading and reducing initial page load times.

This segment of code shows a detailed approach to ad management on a web page, ensuring that the appropriate ads are displayed based on user scenarios while optimizing performance and user engagement with integrated services. If you have any specific questions or need further modifications or explanations about this code, feel free to ask!

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