Makes you fat: Which vegetables you shouldn’t eat on a diet

Makes you fat: Which vegetables you shouldn’t eat on a diet

Losing weight in summer could look like this: When grilling, you’d rather choose corn on the cob instead of high-fat pork steak. But be careful of the weight loss trap!

Although corn contains vitamins and minerals, these ingredients still do not help you lose weight. A study names the weight loss saboteurs among vegetables.

Not too much starch

The multiple sugar starch can make losing weight difficult: the rapidly rising and falling blood sugar makes you quickly get cravings, and binge eating is not uncommon.

A study by the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health has recognized this and now warns against certain fruits and vegetables that could hinder your weight loss process. The researchers evaluated data from 13,000 test subjects, with the result that starchy foods in particular slow down weight loss.

Corn, peas etc. in moderation

According to the results, corn in particular is a weight-loss culprit. But beans, peas and potatoes are also starchy vegetables that can make losing weight more difficult.

However, starch-free beets and plants such as broccoli, tomatoes or carrots are more suitable. Their high water content and low calorie count make them so attractive.

Contrary to the study, other weight loss strategies recommend using potato tubers etc. In addition to starch, most vegetables, in addition to their healthy vitamins and minerals, also contain fiber, which curbs the feeling of hunger. The following applies: the right amount makes all the difference!

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