“Make sure you look straight or you’ll get beat up”

Stephanie Hernandez

The Venezuelan Olympic medalist Stefany Hernández denounced this Saturday that she was the victim of a homophobic attack in a local Las Mercedesin Caracas.

Through her Instagram account, the athlete reported that a security man from the Anónimo-Narciso store, located on Paris Street with Mucuchíes Street, in Las Mercedes, beat her severely and expelled her along with her group of friends.

“A security man from that place hit me in the face and ear, there were also shoves and insults. The pain I’ve felt since last night is intense and worrying because of the injury it caused me.”Hernandez detailed in the publication.

However, he assured that what hurts him the most is that women continue to be attacked and subjected to various types of violence. “We are judged for everything, and more for the simple fact of being”, pointed.

“It cost me dearly not to wear a minidress, not straighten my hair or wear red heels. But this is me, I will never be a disguise, I am loyal to my truth. Women are champions, no matter how much we fall, we will always continue to get up, “said Stefany Hernández.

Finally, the BMX cyclist recommended her followers not to go to the Anónimo-Narciso establishment. But she warned that if you go “make sure you ‘look’ straight, or you’ll be kicked out and beaten until you’re afraid to be yourself.”

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