Make PAUD Part of the Character Building Process of the Nation’s Children – 2024-08-01 15:20:06

Kindergarten students in Sidoarjo Regency. (MI/Heri Susetyo)

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION (PAUD) must receive serious attention because it is part of the process of developing Indonesian human resources (HR) so that they are able to answer various challenges in the future.

“Human resource development needs to be carried out from an early age to ensure the formation of a quality next generation. Moreover, early age is a very important period in the human life cycle,” said Deputy Chairperson of the MPR RI Lestari Moerdijat in a written statement, Tuesday (30/7).

According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbud-Ristek), there are currently 203,385 PAUD units in Indonesia with 6.8 million students and 486,451 educators.

According to Lestari, existing PAUD facilities and infrastructure must be utilized optimally as part of efforts to shape the character of every child of the nation.

On a practical level, said Rerie, Lestari’s nickname, character education in Indonesia is based on character building which includes love for God and the universe and its contents; responsibility, discipline and independence; honesty; respect and courtesy; justice and leadership; kindness and humility; tolerance, love of peace and unity.

According to Rerie, who is also a member of Commission X of the Indonesian House of Representatives from Electoral District II of Central Java, a number of these basic characters are in line with the values ​​contained in Pancasila.

Rerie encourages stakeholders at the central and regional levels to be able to build good collaboration to realize PAUD as part of the character building process for every child of the nation. (Z-2)

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