Majority of Workers Cut Back on Essential Goods: A Closer Look at Consumption Trends

The impact of punctuality on the standard of living of workers and, in particular, research by GSEE and the Labor Institute in collaboration with Alco records.

Punctuality appears to have affected workers dramatically, with 90% having reduced their consumption of essential items, with incomes at low levels.

According to the research findings:

– 90% of employees say they have reduced their consumption of essential goods due to punctuality. 18% answered “a lot”, “somewhat” 51% and “a little” 21%. Accordingly, 10% declare “not at all”. The escalation of consumption reduction is differentiated in the categories of basic goods “refrigeration-heating”, “fish”, “meat”, “dairy”, “fruit-vegetables”.

– The low level of workers’ disposable incomes is highlighted by the fact that 30% state that they have no savings and, at the same time, 37% are forced to use their savings to cover their current needs to purchase basic goods.

– As for the most effective means to protect living standards, 43% state that it is an increase in wages, 33% a reduction in VAT and consumption taxes, 24% price control. The option “allowances” was not selected by any respondent (0%).

– 64% of workers indicate that they did not receive any increase in their salary in the year 2023 and 34% indicate that they received some increase. It is estimated that the vast majority of those who said they received a raise are those who are paid the minimum wage, which increased in the year 2023.

– 52% believe that they will not receive an increase in their salary, after the decision to “unfreeze” the three years and 26% believe that they will. The fact that 22% choose the answer “don’t know” demonstrates the confusion that prevails among employees regarding this particular issue.

– 72% state that they do not work more than their normal hours, while 24% state that they work more.

– 48% of those who report that they work more than their normal hours state that they are not paid for their overtime.

– Finally, the vast majority of employees, with a percentage of 81%, consider that labor rights are better protected by concluding Collective Labor Agreements compared to 9% who choose individual negotiation”.

GSSE underlines that “the Greek economy and society, after years of austerity, is facing a “wave” of precision in basic goods and services and income stagnation, which threatens the purchasing power and standard of living of many working households. It is necessary to immediately implement a mixture of interventions to increase wages and strengthen labor rights, so as to protect the living standards of wage earners and, above all, the lowest paid, as much as possible.

According to the newsit, the strengthening of the sectoral collective labor agreements and the National General Collective Labor Agreement, through the right of the GSEE and the employers’ organizations to determine the minimum wage, is imperative.

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The Devastating Impact of ⁤Punctuality ‌on Workers’ Standard of ⁣Living: A Closer Look at the ⁣Alarming Research Findings

Punctuality, a fundamental aspect of employment, has been weighing heavily on the standard of living ⁤of workers worldwide. A recent study conducted by the Greek Confederation of Workers (GSEE) and the Labor Institute in collaboration⁢ with Alco records has shed light on the dire consequences of punctuality on the lives of ‌workers.​ The research findings are alarming, to say the least, and warrant immediate attention from policymakers and stakeholders.

Reduced Consumption of Essential Items: A⁣ Harsh Reality

The study reveals​ that a staggering 90% of workers ‍have reduced their consumption of essential goods due to punctuality. This significant reduction is reflected in various categories, including refrigeration-heating (18%), fish (51%), meat (21%), dairy⁢ (21%), and fruit-vegetables (21%). A mere ⁤10% of‍ respondents claim that⁤ they have not reduced their consumption at all. This‌ decline in ⁤consumption is‌ a direct result of the meager incomes earned by workers, which fail to meet‍ their basic⁣ needs.

Low Disposable Incomes: A ‌Recipe⁣ for Disaster

The research highlights the struggle workers face in making ends meet. A whopping⁢ 30% of respondents admit to having no savings, while 37% are forced to use their savings to cover​ their current needs, including the ⁤purchase of basic goods. This precarious financial situation leaves workers vulnerable ⁤to economic shocks and uncertainties.

Protecting Living Standards: What Workers Want

When asked about the most effective means to protect their living standards, 43% ‍of workers emphasized the need for a wage increase. ⁣Another 33% believed that a reduction in VAT and consumption taxes would provide much-needed relief. Price control ⁤was also cited as a crucial measure by 24% of respondents. Notably, none of the respondents opted for​ “allowances” as⁤ a viable solution, ‍indicating their skepticism about the ⁤effectiveness of such measures.

Stagnant Wages and Unfrozen Minimum⁣ Wage

The‍ study reveals that 64% of workers did not receive a salary increase in 2023, while 34% reported receiving⁣ some raise. However, it is estimated‍ that the majority of those ​who received a⁢ raise are​ minimum wage earners, who benefited from the increase in the minimum‍ wage in 2023. Furthermore, 52% of workers are pessimistic⁤ about receiving a salary​ increase in the future, while 22% ⁤are uncertain about their prospects.

Overtime and Unpaid Work

A significant 72% ⁢of workers reported that they do not work more than their normal hours, while 24% claimed to work overtime. Alarmingly, 48% of ⁤those who work overtime stated that ‌they are not paid for their extra hours. This exploitation ‌of​ workers’ time and labor is a serious concern that demands​ attention.

Labor Rights and Collective ‍Labor Agreements

The⁣ study found that ⁢an overwhelming 81%⁣ of workers believe that labor rights are better protected through Collective Labor Agreements compared‍ to individual negotiation (9%). This highlights the ‍importance of collective bargaining ‌in safeguarding workers’ interests and promoting fair labor practices.

A Call to Action

The Greek Confederation of Workers (GSEE) has sounded the alarm, warning that the Greek economy and society are facing a⁤ “wave” of precision in basic goods and services and income stagnation. The findings of this study underscore the need for policymakers and stakeholders to take immediate action to ‌address the pressing issues faced by workers. It is essential to prioritize wage increases, reduce taxes, and protect labor rights ⁤to ensure that workers​ can maintain a decent standard of living.

the research findings paint a dire picture of the impact of punctuality on workers’ standard of living. It is crucial that we acknowledge the struggles faced by workers and work towards creating a more equitable and sustainable economic environment that prioritizes their well-being and dignity.

Keywords: punctuality, standard‌ of living, ⁤workers,⁣ GSEE, Labor Institute, Alco records, research ⁤findings, consumption reduction, low incomes,⁤ savings, wage⁣ increase,⁢ VAT, consumption taxes, ⁤price control, allowances, stagnant wages, minimum wage, overtime, unpaid work, labor rights, Collective Labor Agreements, Greek economy, income stagnation.



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