Majority considers that personal hygiene products are essential for well-being – Commerce and Justice

The access to basic personal hygiene products (feminine pads, diapers, among others) is considered essential for well-being by 66% of those surveyed by Essitya global hygiene and health company of Swedish origin.

The company carries out this survey every two years with the aim of improving people’s well-being, narrowing the knowledge gap on these issues and finding healthier solutions for future generations. For this, he surveyed more than 15,000 people in 15 countries.

Essity carries out different initiatives aimed at finding superior quality and innovative solutions that improve people’s quality of life.

Among other revealing data, those associated with topics that are still considered taboo today, such as menstruation and incontinence, stand out. On firstfor example, only 55% say they have knowledge on the subject.

Taking these concerns into account, Essity has made the commitment to generate an open dialogue with children and adolescents through the educational program in schools led by the Nosotras brand (from the company’s female protection portfolio) for almost ten years, with in order to provide tools and information so that they live their puberty process in a free, safe and confident way; and that, at the same time, girls and adolescents can experience their first menstrual period with adequate solutions.

On the other hand, in relation to the incontinence, 23% affirm that they have experienced this condition but avoid talking about it. In this sense, the company offers an option, Tena, a world brand that develops solutions for incontinence, with more than 40 years of experience.

“As a company, we assume the task of ending these stigmas and beginning to normalize different topics related to hygiene and health that, even today, are considered taboo. We have embraced an open dialogue so that people can choose optimal solutions for their care and experience each situation they have to go through, including those inherent to female processes, freely and normalizing them,” said Martín Stigliano, Regional Manager of Essity Argentina.

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