Major Road Works in Namur Region Impact Local Traders: Barriers, Traffic Delays, and Loss of Customers

2023-07-02 11:34:00

Many traders installed along the National 4, in the Namur region, are angry. Major works have been carried out for 3 weeks, and access to the stores has become very complicated. They say they have already seen a significant shortfall.

Barriers, traffic cones, excavator… this is what the surroundings of the section of the N4 in Erpent look like. Nearby merchants deplore a lack of accessibility for their customers.

“For their passage and that of our suppliers, it is not practical. Access is difficult for everyone and that makes us lose a lot of customers”, laments Hadrian. “The road is very small so customers do not necessarily see the exit.”

A problem that the customers of the day confirm to us. The shopping experience is visibly less pleasant. “I had to go around the N4 to find the entrance and it’s quite dangerous“, says one of them.

Work began in mid-June. In stores, the financial impact is already being felt. “On turnover, the impact is around twenty percent because we have fewer customers”, Hadrian assures us.

A little further, in the Nancy store, 40% less turnover. A somewhat reassuring observation on the eve of the sales.

“We are worried, but the impact can be measured a posteriori. We have the experience of the last three weeks which are negative”regrets the shopkeeper.

The latter questioned the authorities, but is not satisfied with the answers obtained. The Walloon region recalls that solutions exist to compensate for the shortfall.

“This merchant who considers himself aggrieved by the holding of a construction site on the public highway, can request compensatory compensation for his loss of income from the Walloon region. All the information is available on the website”, explains Héloïse Winandy, the spokesperson for Sofico (Walloon Company for Complementary Infrastructure Financing).

Today, many traders are impatiently awaiting the end of the project, scheduled for next September.

province of namur erpent building site
#Work #National #great #concern #among #traders #Erpent #Customers #necessarily #exit

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