Major Remodeling at Civil Hospital of Guadalajara: Historic Intervention and Improved Facilities

2023-07-16 11:42:23

The remodeling at the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara is on time and in good shape. This was stated by the general director, Jaime Andrade Villanueva, who classified the work as “historic”, since never in its almost 230 years of operation had it had an intervention of this level. “Five rooms are already working in their entirety, of the original ones of the Fray Antonio Alcalde Hospital, which are Pablo Gutiérrez, Fortunato Arce, Francisco Macías Gutiérrez, Julio Clemens and Leonardo Oliva, where internal medicine patients and surgical areas are treated. In all these areas, not only has the physical space been remodeled, but it has also been fully equipped with beds, monitors, pumps and everything necessary”.

It was from the project to renew the health system that the Government of Jalisco began this intervention to provide better quality care to people who do not have social security.

He advanced that Two more rooms and the operating rooms of the urology service will be inaugurated, along with their waiting and recovery rooms. Work is currently underway in the two remaining wards: Salvador García Diego and Juan Valdez, as well as in the areas of pulmonology, psychiatry, warehouses, pharmacies, the HIV unit, the hemodynamics unit and the coronary unit, in addition to the space for the dormitories of resident and intern physicians. “It is a deep remodeling that includes the transplant area and for people deprived of liberty… and all common spaces have also been rehabilitated, such as patios, corridors and the imaging area, where there is new equipment. And the area of ​​teaching, social work and nursing is about to be completed”.

An investment of one billion pesos in works and equipment is estimated; however, the exact figure must be specified by the state government, responsible for the general intervention, although the Guadalajara City Council joined in the renovation of its perimeter walls.

The unit for the care of burned children is expanded The Comprehensive Care Unit for Children with Burns will be located in the tower located on Coronel Calderón and Tenerías streets. THE INFORMANT. Navarrese

Seeking to provide better care to children with burns in Jalisco and the region, the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara Fray Antonio Alcalde, together with the Government of Jalisco, began the expansion and relocation of the Comprehensive Care Unit last year Children with Burns.

The head of the Unit, Ariel Miranda Altamirano, explained that the adaptation works of this space, which will be located in the tower located in Coronel Calderón y Tenerías, and which was previously located on the 7th floor of the Juan I. Menchaca Civil Hospital, are going on time and form, Currently, 75% progress has been made, and once completed, there will be a total of 16 spaces to simultaneously attend to the same number of patients.

Eight of the beds will be for intensive care, and eight more for intermediate care, in addition to having operating rooms, a balneotherapy area, one for healing and one more for recovery for outpatient surgeries, as well as a waiting room and a multipurpose room.

“We are going to have interdisciplinary work with nutrition, pediatrics, surgery, nursing and psychology, all working in unison, and there are clinics for each area. We are going to be at the forefront because we will be the largest unit in the country that cares for girls and boys with burns in the open population”, the doctor pointed out.

The specialist doctor indicated that the decision for this intervention (which was made without ceasing to operate for a single day in an area prepared for its temporary operation) was made due to the increase in occupancy in the Unit, however, great progress has been made.

“The achievements of the Unit have been very important, because Even though before this unit was created in 2004 there was a mortality of girls and boys with burns of 11.9%, it has been reduced to 0.8%. It is easy to say, but it has been very difficult, and it is all teamwork”, he explained.

Currently, around 180 are attended, and although the main thing is to continue promoting prevention in families to avoid mishaps where minors are injured by fire, it is expected to have sufficient capacity to care for at least 320 new patients each year.

Miranda Altamirano pointed out that this area is expected to start operations in its new space before the end of 2023, Well, in addition to fitting out the spaces and their equipment, new specialized training will be carried out for doctors and new personnel who will join the Unit, which is offered by various international organizations.


Urology now has more operating rooms The Urology area has two highly equipped operating rooms. THE INFORMANT. Navarrese

The Urology area was one of the specialties found in the general wards of the Fray Antonio Alcalde Civil Hospital of Guadalajara, and the surgeries in this area were performed in the general operating rooms of the hospital.

Now, as part of the historical remodeling that has been carried out in depth in this hospital, the specialty has its own space for patient care, explained Dr. María Elena González, head of the Surgery division, a specialist in Neurosurgery.

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“We have grown with this, because before we had only one of the operating rooms where minor and endoscopic procedures were performed, and specialty surgeries were performed in general operating rooms. We now have two highly equipped operating rooms that comply with all health regulations, where we will be able to have specialty surgeries; growth is 100%” stressed the neurosurgeon.

With this, it is expected to depressurize general surgeries and grow from 1,500 to 2,500, on average, the surgeries performed per year related to the specialty of urology, thus shortening patient waiting times.

On the other hand, the division head also highlighted the renovation of another 10 operating rooms dedicated to highly specialized surgeries, which have state-of-the-art technology equipment, for example, there is an operating room that has its own tomograph, with the objective of minimizing care times and providing the best possible medical care to patients who need it.


Orthopedic area is ready to operate

Seeking to provide more dignified care for patients in the Orthopedics specialty, this week the Antonio Arias room will be inaugurated, which was one of the areas recently intervened within the deep remodeling that is carried out within the Civil Fray Hospital Anthony Mayor.

This was explained by Dr. Rafael Paredes Almanza, a doctor attached to the Orthopedics and Traumatology Service of this Hospital, who said in this room capacity to care for 16 female patients, generally older adults, who usually present diagnoses such as hip fractures, knee osteoarthritis, and trauma-related problems.

“The Antonio Arias ward was extensively remodeled, each bed has its own physical area that is very well conditioned, lighting in all beds, which are special to provide adequate mobility for patients, with oxygen available in each of them, among other things. aspects that together will be reflected in the best care for our patients”, said the specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedics.

The impulse to improve this space, he said, also translates into an improvement in the care provided to patients in this area, offering them more dignified, humane and quality treatments.

“I feel very enthusiastic, I have been in this institution for 27 years, I am proud to belong to this family that is the Civil Hospital, but these renovations really excite me for the well-being of our patients, because it is not only achieving a more humane treatment , but it dignifies the attention that is provided, with quality”, highlighted the doctor.


They anticipate reducing times in the Radiology area. It is expected to maximize the operation of the Radiology area. THE INFORMANT. Navarrese

Another of the spaces that has been intervened within this thorough renovation that is being carried out at the Fray Antonio Alcalde Civil Hospital is the Radiology area, which provides service to all areas of the hospital.

The radiologist, Rodrigo Cerda, head of this Unit, explained that it is a renewal of the physical areas and the equipment available, considering that it is state-of-the-art equipment.

“All the areas were renovated, as well as the intervention of the areas that cannot be seen, such as drains, light sources, floors, taking care of the protection areas, which were shielded with special material so that radiation does not escape and be safe for the patients,” he said.

The intervention was made to the tomography area; four plain radiograph areas; a fluoroscopy area, two densitometry areas and a mammography area, where two direct digital simple X-ray equipment was installed, a 40-detector tomograph where specialized analyzes can be performed in just one minute, a direct digital mastograph, and two equipment of densitometry, said.

With such actions, he noted, It is expected to maximize the operation of the area, managing to minimize the waiting times for a study, which currently range from 15 days to a month, to a week approximately, with around 45,000 studies per year.

“The area that was rehabilitated will help practically the entire Hospital to have more timely diagnoses in less time, and to be able to fight each and every Hospital patient, yes it is a great impact, with this we achieve that their waiting processes are minor and that their diagnoses are more accurate to access surgical processes more quickly”, highlighted the doctor.

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