Major recall at DM: broken glass found in product – bleeding possible

– According to the manufacturer, glass splinters were found in a drink from the range of the drugstore chain dm. Consumption can even lead to bleeding.

Consumers who recently bought a turmeric-ginger shot at drugstore chain Dm bought should be particularly careful at the moment. The product was recalled because the drink contained glass splinters, according to the manufacturer. Consumption can even lead to injuries or even bleeding.

Other bottles may be affected

Voelkel GmbH announced that the company is recalling a Turmeric Ginger Shot 60 ml with a best-before date of March 27, 2024. In the batch, the smallest splinters of glass were occasionally found in bottles. In addition, it cannot be ruled out that other bottles are affected. The drink was sold in dmbranches and the company’s own online shop.

Upon presentation of the receipt, customers can return the product for a refund of the purchase price: “We very much regret this incident and apologize to all customers affected for the inconvenience. We would also like to assure you that the quality and safety of our products will continue to be guaranteed have the highest priority,” said the manufacturer on the website.

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