Major fire in Berlin’s Grunewald forest: fire-fighting helicopter deployed again – “Our major goal is to release the Avus” – Berlin

Fire brigade sees “enormous danger” on explosive site – The train is running once more

The fire at the blast site in Berlin’s Grunewald forest continues to pose a threat to the area. Of the The lockdown around the fire will probably remain for a few more days. At the same time there are first loosening.

Despite the initial effect of the extinguishing measures, the fire in Berlin’s Grunewald forest remains one from the point of view of the fire brigade “enormous danger”. The one that has existed since the fire broke out on Thursday A safety zone of 1000 meters around the site will continue to be maintained.

On Saturday, however, there was a relief for rail traffic: In consultation with the police, the fire brigade released the train route on the edge of the restricted zone. With that can both local public transport and long-distance transport will start up once more on the route. The railway line runs between the main train stations in Berlin and Potsdam. S-Bahn trains were affected, as were regional trains, IC and ICE.

According to a spokesman, rail traffic is to be gradually resumed. The 115 motorway, called Avus, will remain closed at least until Sundaywhich runs parallel to the tracks a little closer to the danger zone.

The fire department expects the The containment circle around the fire will remain in place for a few more days becomes. “The extinguishing measures on the blasting site and the cooling measures for these three hotspots, which have been defined by the explosives expert, are having an effect,” said fire department spokesman Thomas Kirstein on Saturday in Berlin. It is now a question of Ensure reliable cooling of the space.

“Even if we release rail traffic, the outer barriers will remain in place,” said Kirstein. the The situation at the blast site is still not under control. “Of course there is an enormous danger there,” says Kirstein. Armored vehicles and robots are used there for cooling. Were on Friday measured up to 700 degrees been. Kirstein did not want to give any information regarding new measurements. “It’s under constant surveillance,” he said.

Susanne Bauer, head of the Berlin Police Forensic Institute, resigned Explorations at the blast site on. “We drive in with a protected vehicle to see what’s on the main route of the detonation site, so that we can then send the extinguishing robot in there.” The areas that are still hot are then to be further cooled. “Then the situation will be reassessed,” said Bauer.

To the Cause of the fire and explosions might she not specified make. “Now it’s regarding safety.” Looks for dangers that the emergency services have to take care of. “We can look at the cause when the blasting site is cleared and we can go there with investigators.”

The fire brigade was able to prevent the fire from spreading in the surrounding forest. “We kept putting out smaller fire nests,” Kirstein said. The situation immediately around the blasting site must be constantly reassessed, for example whether it is also possible to use the fire brigade. “But that first requires a bit more safety at the blasting site.”

In the night to Saturday have it no more explosions given more, it was said. Remote-controlled robots to explore the exclusion zone had been withdrawn due to the more relaxed situation at night. The work continued on Saturday. The fire brigade and a special company used a fire fighting vehicle.

The fire broke out on Thursday night at the blast site. Tons of old grenades, ammunition and confiscated fireworks were stored in buildings on the site. Explosions might be heard, the fire spread throughout the day in the dry forest area. The detonation site for the destruction of weapons and explosives has existed since 1950. The police are now responsible.

In the debate regarding alternative locations, the deputy head of the SPD parliamentary group in Brandenburg, Inka Gossmann-Reetz, was skeptical. The area around Berlin is now very densely populated, she said on the rbb24 info radio. “Here, too, we (…) have to be very careful not to put the people here in increased danger.” Transport and vibrations are a high risk.

But she understands that Berlin’s governing mayor Franziska Giffey (SPD) is looking for a conversation with Brandenburg. Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) will have an open ear here, said the member of parliament. (dpa)



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