Major communications outage in the Netherlands and air traffic halted at Eindhoven Airport

This came according to what was reported by the NOS channel, which continued that the communications system outages began yesterday evening, Tuesday, August 27, as the problems are mainly related to the emergency services communications systems that now have to communicate using regular phones and text messages, and the reason for the failure has not yet been clarified.

The TV channel indicated that it is still unknown whether the suspension of air traffic at Eindhoven Airport this morning is related to this or not.

NOS had previously announced the suspension of all flights to and from Eindhoven Airport, while problems have been observed at the airport since the morning, and it has not yet been reported what happened and how long the closure will remain in effect. No flights have taken off or landed at this airport since this morning, and the airport said in a statement that “due to a network failure, air traffic at Eindhoven Airport cannot be handled. It is still unclear when this disruption will be resolved,” stressing that work is underway to find a solution.

The channel reported that the rest of the country’s airports are operating as usual. It is not yet clear whether there is a link between the communications outage and air traffic at Eindhoven Airport.

Eindhoven Airport is the second largest airport in the Netherlands, typically handling 100-140 flights per day, affecting up to 24,000 passengers per day.

The disruption has also spread to the Dutch military, coastguard and identity verification system, with these institutions reporting various failures in communications and systems, although it has not yet been confirmed that all of these problems are related to each other.

There is no estimate yet on when normal operations will resume.

Source: Reuters+NOS

#Major #communications #outage #Netherlands #air #traffic #halted #Eindhoven #Airport
2024-08-28 10:29:12



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