Majdal Shams visits Jumblatt – MTV Lebanon

2024-07-28 03:37:54

Electronic newspaper Al-Anbaa reports:

The region is being affected by regional and international political and security changes, especially in light of military developments represented by yesterday’s fall of a number of martyrs for the people of the occupied Syrian Golan. The resistance movement denies any connection to the incident, which Israel’s enemies exploited in questionable ways to elevate their ongoing threat to Lebanon, which essentially continues its massacre of civilians without any deterrent.

Military analysts believe that the attack on the town of Majdal Shams in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights was caused by an Israeli interceptor missile. In particular, such missiles often cause damage in Israel because some of their components exploded or exploded. Falling due to explosion.

Walid Jumblatt, former Chairman of the Progressive Socialist Party, expressed his condolences to the martyrs who lost their lives in this incident, stressing that the history and present of Israel’s enemies are full of the unending massacres it has committed and is committing against civilians. , calls on everyone in Lebanon, Palestine and the Golan Heights to be wary of any slippage or incitement by the destructive enemy, because what is still needed is not to expand the war and to immediately stop aggression and firing. region and target its components.

The incident itself was the subject of discussions between Jumblatt and U.S. envoy Amos Hochstein, with Jumblatt again calling for an immediate cessation of aggression and a ceasefire.

In view of the escalation of the situation, monitoring sources via electronic Al-Anbaa indicate a clear link between this incident and all actions taken by Israel’s enemies to try to pit the Arabs of occupied Palestine against their own people, and that this was deliberately done through Its media and social media accounts engage in incitement and targeted incitement of insurrection.

In an interview with the electronic newspaper Al-Anbaa, MP Michel Moussa, a member of the Development and Liberation Group, confirmed that any talks would be of no value while the war continues, adding: “If a ceasefire is reached and everyone A ceasefire has been agreed and it would be more acceptable to talk about a commitment to Lebanon, so the focus has to be on the ceasefire before talking about other things.

Moussa believes that expanding the war “is impossible, despite the enemy’s constant exaggeration of the war” and believes that “the Israeli army has not achieved its stated goals because it cannot release the hostages, and as for whether it can eliminate Hamas, it depends on Netanyahu is taking advantage of the US election situation to prolong the war while the US is busy with other things and waiting for a decision.

Faced with the great dangers posed by continued aggression and closing sight to his enemies, as well as his tendency to sow sedition and seek to create tensions between Arab parts, Walid Jumblatt issued an appeal to the people Recognizing this plan and adopting the rationality and vigilance to prevent the expansion of the war may still be the only ones who want Lebanon to be dragged into the furnace of destruction.

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