“Majdal Shams missile comes in the context of fabricating and fabricating events” – Press Tour

Image source, Reuters

6 hours ago

Today’s press tour discusses the implications of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States on the conflict in Gaza, the hardships faced by northern Israelis due to the growing conflict with Hezbollah, and the political landscape following US President Joe Biden’s exit from the race and its effects on his opponent, Donald Trump.

We commence the tour with the newspaper “Rai Al-Youm”, which featured an article by writer Kamal Mirza titled “Majdal Shams… and the benefits of Netanyahu’s American tour.”

Mirza states that “the advantages of Netanyahu’s visit to America are clear after he received an extension of the mandate to pursue his objectives,” indicating, in his view, that “the extermination and displacement campaign against the Palestinian people is fundamentally an American-Western conflict that Israel is executing through a proxy.”

The writer supports his argument by referencing the atrocities he claims Israel describes as “military pressure,” purportedly intended to enhance the negotiation terms and ceasefire, though he believes their true purpose is to undermine the negotiation process and prolong the war.

He also mentions the broadening of the war’s reach, arguing that any diminishment of Hezbollah’s power and the resistance axis, no matter how minor, will ultimately benefit America’s interests.

In his article, Kamal Mirza refers to the missile that fell in the village of Majdal Shams, expressing his view that it “occurred within the framework of fabricating, orchestrating, and directing events.”

The writer asserts, “Israel’s arrogance leads it to deny that the time for imposing dictation on the resistance has elapsed, and that the decisive power lies in the field.”

Israel blames Hezbollah for the operation, and the Israeli military reported that “12 individuals, aged between 10 and 20, were killed when a missile hit a soccer field in Majdal Shams,” while Lebanese Hezbollah denied any involvement.

In a statement issued by the party in Lebanon, it declared, “The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon categorically denies the allegations made by certain enemy media and various platforms regarding the targeting of Majdal Shams, asserting that the Islamic Resistance has absolutely no connection to the incident, and completely refutes all false claims in this regard.”

Returning to the “Rai Al-Youm” article, the writer urges the “resistance” not to fall for Israel’s cunning maneuver, as he characterizes it, recalling the “Baptist Hospital massacre,” and advises against allowing itself to be confined to merely a defensive stance or to prove unaccountability for the Majdal Shams missile.

“Israel Does Not Acknowledge the Suffering of Those Affected in the North”

Referencing the Jerusalem Post, an article by Andrea Samuels titled “Israel Doesn’t See the Suffering of Those Affected in the North.”

Since the onset of the Gaza war nine and a half months ago, many have believed that communities along the Gaza border are the ones most impacted, as the author mentions in their article.

The writer affirms that these communities experienced what he characterizes as the worst civilian massacre in Israel’s history, which took place on October 7, during which over 1,200 people were killed and thousands injured, and they continue to suffer and strive to rebuild their lives amidst the devastation left in its wake.

Image source, EPA

However, according to the author, what many are unaware of is that on October 8, Hezbollah in Lebanon began demonstrating solidarity with Hamas by conducting daily indiscriminate rocket, missile, and drone strikes on northern Israel, which have displaced approximately 80,000 Israelis.

Some individuals were compelled to flee with nothing but the clothes they were wearing, the writer continues, and had to depend on Netanyahu’s government for shelter, clothing, and food while residing in hotels or the homes of strangers.

He emphasizes that the attacks have caused unimaginable human suffering and destruction since the war began, but the ongoing assaults in both the north and the south have also impacted the Israeli economy.

Around 60,000 Israeli businesses are expected to close in 2024, with the construction, agriculture, and services sectors being the most affected.

He notes that while the focus is mainly on Gaza and southern Israel, the hardships faced by residents and businesses in the north largely go unnoticed.

“Trump Should Be Held to the Same Standards as Biden”

In the American newspaper “USA Today,” an article by writer Chris Brennan highlights former US President Donald Trump’s speeches.

Trump has delivered speeches at nearly 80 campaign and political rallies since announcing his candidacy for a second term on November 15, 2022, pledging to roll back federal regulations, halve U.S. energy costs, revitalize the auto industry, safeguard Social Security, shift much of federal law enforcement to border security, end Russia’s war in Ukraine, and avert World War III.

Image source, Reuters

However, the writer believes that Trump is not in a rush to provide clarity on how he intends to achieve all that, noting that the former president prefers complacent environments that support him within right-wing media.

He points out that Trump, 78, has spent months labeling Biden as too old and unfit for the presidency, yet Trump himself stumbles over common words and phrases during rallies, veers off into confusing tangents for his supporters, and frequently asserts that everyone everywhere is out to get him.

Trump held a limited media briefing, organized by the Republican National Committee, the author adds, and this is quite different from being in the spotlight on live television and being challenged to clarify his true beliefs.

According to the writer, Trump is the most sensitive politician in America. He dislikes being asked to elaborate on his statements and often resorts to exaggeration, claiming: “You will see…” Most of the time, he reacts with anger and attacks anyone who dares to inquire about his actions.

The author encourages voters to witness this for themselves, to assess it, and to understand its significance when they cast their votes in the upcoming election for the next president.

Netanyahu’s U.S. Visit: Impacts on Gaza, Northern Israel, and American Politics

Image source: Reuters

6 hours ago

The Impact of Netanyahu’s Visit on the War in Gaza

The recent visit of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the United States has raised significant questions regarding the ongoing conflict in Gaza. According to Kamal Mirza, writing for the newspaper “Rai Al-Youm“, Netanyahu’s visit represents a pivotal moment in the conflict. The writer asserts that this trip symbolizes a renewal of the American mandate for Israel to execute its military objectives in the region.

  • American-Western Proxy War: Mirza argues that the military actions against the Palestinian people are driven primarily by American interests and facilitated by Israel. He believes that the constant bombardment and “military pressure” do not aim to secure peace but rather extend the war.
  • Escalating Conflict’s Broader Scope: The expansion of the conflict not only impacts Gaza but also strengthens American geopolitical interests by weakening entities like Hezbollah and its allies.
  • Manipulation of Events: Mirza conveys skepticism about the narratives surrounding recent missile strikes, suggesting that incidents—such as the missile that struck Majdal Shams—are orchestrated to reshape public perception and justify Israeli actions.

Casualties in Majdal Shams

The writer highlights alarming claims regarding a missile that killed 12 individuals during a football match in the Israeli town of Majdal Shams. While the Israeli army attributes blame to Hezbollah, the Lebanese group has vehemently denied involvement, pointing to potential manipulations by Israeli media to influence public sentiment.

Mirza warns against Israel’s tactics aimed at framing the conflict while calling on resistance movements not to fall into traps similar to those witnessed in previous tragedies, referring explicitly to the Baptist Hospital massacre.

Northern Israel’s Unseen Suffering

In an article by Andrea Samuels for the Jerusalem Post, the focus shifts to the communities in northern Israel, which, since the onset of the Gaza war, have faced considerable challenges. While many focus on Gaza, Samuels emphasizes the plight of around 80,000 displaced Israelis due to daily rocket and missile attacks by Hezbollah.

  • Post-October 7 Reality: The author describes the aftermath of the October 7 attacks that resulted in over 1,200 casualties, leaving many struggling to rebuild their lives amidst chaos and loss.
  • Government Support: Displaced residents depend heavily on government assistance for fundamental needs—housing, clothing, food—during their transitions to temporary accommodations.
  • Broader Economic Impact: Samuels forecasts that about 60,000 Israeli companies may shutter in 2024, with construction, agriculture, and services sectors hard hit as a direct consequence of the escalated conflict.

The Overlooked Communities

Despite the pervasive focus on the southern regions, Samuels contends that Northern Israel’s suffering is often overshadowed. While attention is largely on Gaza, the economic and human toll in northern towns reflects a broader narrative that’s frequently ignored.

Political Ramifications: Trump vs. Biden

As the U.S. grapples with these geopolitical challenges, the political landscape shifts rapidly, particularly with President Joe Biden’s recent decision to withdraw from the race. Chris Brennan from USA Today has raised critical observations concerning former President Donald Trump’s campaign rhetoric.

  • Campaign Strategies: Trump has been vocal at nearly 80 rallies since announcing his candidacy for the 2024 elections. His promises include rolling back federal regulations and bolstering national security.
  • Lack of Details: Brennan points out that while Trump is quick to criticize Biden’s age and capability, he often glosses over specifics about his plans, leading to further scrutiny of his leadership style.

Demand for Accountability

Brennan posits that voters should hold Trump to the same standards that Biden has faced, especially regarding the clarity and transparency of their respective policies. Trump’s fluctuating commitments and penchant for dramatic statements serve as focal points for criticism and scrutiny.

Humanitarian Considerations Amid Political Turmoil

The political and military developments in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict raise urgent humanitarian concerns. As the Israeli government faces enormous pressures from both its citizens and international observers, responding to the humanitarian crisis remains pivotal.

  • Continued Displacement: High levels of displacement in both northern and southern Israel highlight the conflict’s devastating humanitarian consequences.
  • Importance of Dialogue: The emphasis on negotiations rather than military confrontation could foster peace and stability, essential for both Israeli and Palestinian communities.
  • Future Outlook: It is crucial for all stakeholders to recognize and adapt to the changing dynamics of their engagement in the region, focusing on long-term solutions rather than short-term gains.

Ignoring the Suffering

As military operations escalate and political dialogues emerge, many observers remain skeptical about the willingness of international entities to fully appreciate or address the suffering of civilians caught in the crossfire. The complex dynamics on the ground warrant a comprehensive and empathetic approach from the international community.

In an increasingly volatile landscape, the importance of addressing these humanitarian concerns cannot be overstated. As the situation evolves, it remains imperative for stakeholders to prioritize human dignity and welfare amid geopolitical maneuverings.



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