Maite Orsini’s mom revealed her bond with actor Pedro Pascal

The deputy’s mother Maite OrsiniMaite Pascal, was a guest in the first episode of the new Canal Vive program, “Next to you”. In this space, she surprised with a shocking revelation regarding her relationship with a well-known Chilean star.

While they were talking regarding Colchagua, Sandy Boquita asked him if they were cousins ​​with Peter Pascal, which was answered in the affirmative by the yoga instructor. “The artist origin is inherited,” she said.

“I perfectly understand whose son it is”

For his part, the journalist Michael Roldán asked him how the success of the actor has affected the family, however, he stated that they are not close, what is more, he has not had the opportunity to meet him.

“It must be said that my father died when I was a girl, well, not so young, he was 17 years old and Maite was one year old. After my dad’s death, I didn’t stay very close to the Pascal family,” she said.

“I don’t know him personally, I know perfectly well whose son he is, the family comments, ‘good, the cousin’ and I don’t know what, but I haven’t had the pleasure of being face to face. Maybe it will be my turn”, concluded Maite Pascal.

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