Maintenance of rural roads benefits families in Amambay communities

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The Ministry of Public Works and Communications, through District No. 13, carried out maintenance work on rural sections in the department of Amambay, benefiting more than 750 families from various communities.

This is part of the government’s commitment to improve road infrastructure throughout the country, facilitating access and economic and social development for communities in the region.

In the municipality of Pedro Juan Caballero, the works included the maintenance of the section that connects the city with colony 204 and the Taba Mboa Indigenous community, as well as the section that goes from the Cumbre colony to the San Ramón neighborhood and the Potrero Sur colony.

The work in the municipality of Karapai focused on Calle 20, while in Bella Vista Norte, maintenance was carried out on the section that connects Colonias Unidas with San Isidro.

The works included the installation of new reinforced concrete pipes to improve drainage and prevent flooding, the restoration of the platform with a motor grader to ensure a safe and uniform transit surface, as well as patching and restoration of the platform to improve trafficability and road safety, the Ministry of Public Works reported.

#Maintenance #rural #roads #benefits #families #Amambay #communities
2024-07-13 13:12:44



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