Maintaining Unity of Together for Change: UCR Affirms Policy of Alliances and Expansion Ahead of Presidential Elections

2023-06-13 06:26:00

The UCR took an important step to maintain the Unity of Together for Change following its national convention, the highest party body, reaffirmed its policy of alliances and its stay within the main opposition coalition ahead of the presidential elections this year.

In the midst of tensions over the inclusion of the governor of Córdoba, Juan Schiarettian initiative promoted by the president of the party, Gerardo Moralesin tandem with the Buenos Aires head of government and also a presidential candidate, Horacio Rodriguez Larreta (Pro); the name of the Peronist leader was barely mentioned during the more than three hours that the deliberations lastedheld in the Buenos Aires complex of Parque Norte.

The resolution submitted for the approval of the conventions ratifies the “participation and membership in the Together for Change alliance” and lists the parties that currently make it up: the Civic-ARI Coalition, Republican Proposal (Pro) and Federal Republican Meeting.

But in his second article enables the party to negotiate the expansion of the coalitionordering the board of directors of the National Committee, chaired by Morales, to carry out the necessary political and programmatic negotiations.

In other words, the centenary match ended with a technical tie the fight that shook Together for Change in the last two weeks. Schiaretti did not get the go-ahead from the UCR to join the coalition now, when there are less than two weeks to go before the elections in Córdoba. But those who promote the entry of the Cordovan Peronist, such as Morales and Senator Martin Lousteauthey have the green light to move forward with the negotiations and find an agreement that allows them to expand Together for Change.

The president of the UCR, Gerardo Morales, one of the protagonists of the party conventionGonzalo Colini – THE NATION

That openness vocation was embodied in the convention pronouncementa parallel document to the resolution in which, however, conditions are set for future incorporations. “We need to deepen, broaden and improve our coalition to include all those who share our values ​​and our overall goals at this critical that it works better and more predictably, minimizing uncertainties ”, maintains the text that he read Marcelo Stubrin and it was approved by acclamation.

The final resolution ended up calming the climate of tension that the referents of the radical sectors confronted by the name of the Cordovan president had shown before the start of the conclave. “There is a narrow view of some sectors,” Morales complained as he entered the complex. “Until the final minute before taking office, if we have to take over the Government, we are going to have a broad criterion,” insisted the governor of Jujuy.

Deputy Mario Negri, one of those who opposes the inclusion of Juan Schiaretti in JxCGonzalo Colini – THE NATION

The meeting brought together the main figures of the centenary party, such as its two presidential candidates, Morales and the national deputy Facundo Manes; the governors Rodolfo Suarez (Mendoza) and Gustavo Valdes (Corrientes), and the elected president of Jujuy, Charles Sadir.

There were also parliamentary leaders, such as the heads of the radical blocs in the Senate, Luis Naidenoff (Formosa), and of Deputies, Mario Negri (Cordova). The latter once more expressed his rejection of the inclusion of Schiaretti a few days before the election in which the Mediterranean province will decide its next governor, scheduled for the last Sunday in June.

“In the middle of the election, you cannot join our rival in Córdoba. That has been ruled out. In addition, it is not regarding adding for the sake of adding, there must be a common program”, warned Negri.

Senator Alfredo Cornejo, the candidate for governor of Mendoza with the most votes the day beforeGonzalo Colini – THE NATION

Senator also raised his opposition alfredo cornejo. “We have a vocation for expansion, but Schiaretti showed no willingness to join Together for Change”, affirmed the brand new winner of the primary in Mendoza and, therefore, confirmed as a candidate for governor by the coalition in the province of Cuyo.

In its most substantial part, the document, entitled “From pain to hope”makes a strong claim to party identity and supports the will to remain in Together for Change as the tool to win the presidential elections and carry forward a government that “allows us to overcome the current stage of political, economic and social decadence” that they adjudicate to the Kirchner administrations.

“To make possible the change that Argentina needs, we affirm, once once more, our will to constitute, from our party and Together for Change, a great coalition that confronts the national government, that brings a great electoral triumph and that allows us to overcome the current stage of political, economic and social decadence”, the document states.

Without proper names, the document supports the need for the alliance is built “from programmatic agreements and common values”while making a call to “strengthen and project the Radical Civic Union and its women and men throughout the country.”

This call for the UCR to take a leading role and stop being in the shadow of Pro crossed a large part of the speeches that were heard during the deliberations. “We do not have to be anyone’s caboose, not be the body of territoriality for others to decide, but we will be the members, the torso, the heart and the head of the coalition,” said Gastón Manes, president of the convention, opening the debate. “We are for more, we are not anyone’s support group,” he added.

The document contains Strong criticism of the “Kirchnerist cycle” of the last 20 years and who they hold responsible for the meager social and economic indicators of the country. “The citizenry as a whole warns that things are bad and are getting worse. Uncontrolled inflation, the increase in poverty and economic stagnation are symptoms of decadence and of an exhausted economic and political model”, the statement maintains.

“It should not be allowed that the story allows the president and vice president to divert responsibilities,” adds the text, which points to Alberto Fernández and Cristina Kirchner as the “central architects and direct beneficiaries of this model that is imploding and that brought regarding the disasters that we are living”.

Faced with this panorama and facing the electoral campaign, the UCR is committed to “stabilizing the economy, lowering inflation and developing policies so that there is growth and development.” They also intend to “take care of the salary of Argentines” and “protect those who need to be protected, to guarantee that everyone can access, at least, the minimum necessary to live.”

In a clear gesture of differentiation from other electoral alternatives, such as the libertarians of Javier Mileithe UCR promised to promote “an efficient, effective and present State” and, so that there are no doubts regarding the meaning of the message, it promises: “we will not move forward with the elimination of the Central Bank or similar schemes that tie the country’s hands” .

Allusions to Milei also cut through the speeches heard during the meeting. Gastón Manes said it in his opening remarks, when he vindicated the political parties. “In this era of emptiness, we radicals have come to reaffirm the culture of democracy, threatened by marketing and the barbarians of the right,” shot the president of the convention.

Conocé The Trust Project

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