2023-11-25 05:35:22
Mental health is of great importance in human life, and it is equivalent to physical health. Therefore, we must strive to maintain a balance between the two health conditions, and deal with problems, pressures, anxiety, and challenges well, so that they do not turn into serious psychological illnesses that lead us to an unknown fate.
This part of the world in which we live has not known political or security comfort for many decades, and the final blow came recently, in the plundering of people’s money, which “made matters worse.” Thus, destitution led the man to lose his focus because of the “lack,” and the woman lost her nerve because of the “scarcity” of money. Added to this are the preoccupations and tensions of life, which have generally distanced people from religious and social ethics. Marital and family problems increased, and as a result, barricades were built inside homes, and children were turned into fuel and ammunition for the battle. Everything became fire and powder, even in the most trivial matters.
These tensions led, for some, to marital alienation between the two parties, excessive drinking of alcohol, and some young people, especially in their teenage years, began to abuse drugs, in addition to immoral acts. This is not a solution, this is an escape from a bitter reality to an even more bitter reality, which would take the tense people from a situation that can be treated to an even uglier situation!
There are also other reasons behind psychological crises. For example, we cannot carry a group of responsibilities and problems in one hand. Rather, we seek to organize priorities in order to reach our major goals. Hence, it is not realistic for us to experience stress and do things that we are not capable of, then we will lose all our goals.
We must realize that one of the basics of life is the pursuit of psychological safety, without falling into despair of treatments, in light of the difficult conditions in which we live. There are preventive methods and methods that we can follow to maintain our mental and psychological health, away from taking medications and visiting medical clinics, except in difficult cases.
How then can we find solutions to our psychological problems?
At the forefront of treatments, we must strengthen our faith, trust, and hope in God, with prayer and fasting, as Jesus Christ taught us, saying: “This kind cannot come out by anything except by prayer and fasting” (Mark 9:29). Thus, we see that faith is the essence of the relationship with God, and without it, we lose sight of His work in our lives, so we seek to limit and repel currents of doubt regarding God’s ability to solve our problems.
It is not important that we belong to a religion, the most important thing is that we live its lofty teachings. Many Christians, for example, brag regarding their affiliation to their religion, but their actions do not suggest that they understood the message of Christ, and applied the Lord’s Prayer, which Jesus Christ taught us, in which sits the phrase “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
We, as children of God, seek His will and not our own, because our will is subject to error, but His will is always good for our benefit. Through his fatherhood, he seeks our good and our access to his happy eternity, and in the end, unfortunately, we return and implement our will, not his will.
Prayer is necessary for our spiritual benefit, as is reading the Holy Book, which brings reassurance and guidance to souls tossed by the waves of the sea of this life. God’s words bring us closer to Him, and keep the specter of psychological emotions away from us.
In addition to what was mentioned and fasting, it is necessary to allocate times for exercising and walking in nature.
Of course, engaging in social, church, and religious activities in general, and helping others, is something that makes you feel good, as you unleash part of your energy in doing good, as you step out of yourself to see the needs of others. You develop a feeling of belonging to your fellow man and being committed to his affairs. Every departure from oneself is self-actualization. Other than that, it is an illusion.
At home, we are called to create a space for dialogue and constructive understanding on issues related to the family, and to reduce malice, bullying, and conflict with children. A family that devotes time to strong social relationships will naturally enjoy better psychological health than isolated families, which lack the warmth of loving parents and loyal friends who behave decently and in order.
I am neither a psychotherapist nor a specialist, but rather a father and shepherd who seeks to preserve his small and large families, in order to protect families and society from disintegration, and for this reason I wanted to shed light on this issue and the problem that we live in in our country and our environments.
I conclude with a quote from the Apostle Paul in his first letter to the Corinthians: “But now abideth: faith, hope, and love: these three, but the greatest of them is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13). Love is the greatest medicine for all diseases. Even a sick person in body, surrounded by lovers, feels peace and the presence of God through loved ones, and recovers quickly, much less a sick person of the soul. Every person who seeks in his life to live these heavenly gifts, faith, hope, and love, is able to free himself from the pressures of life, to live the true peace of God, and then enjoy the health of soul and body.