Several maypoles actually or almost fell over the weekend. The trees were cut down in the Baden district, in Wr. Neustadt, the tree should not have been adequately secured and threatened to fall on a sidewalk café.
01.05.2022 15.34
Online since today, 3:34 p.m
The maypole on Wiener Neustadt’s main square was suddenly tilted one day before May 1st, the fire brigade reported in a broadcast. Part of the wedging had given way, and the tree threatened to fall into a well-frequented sidewalk café.
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The reason: According to “Kurier”, the split that was supposed to stabilize the tree was missing. He is said to have still been in the window chests at the time the fire brigade was deployed. The fire brigade and the police cleared the Schanigarten and secured it. The tree was finally erected and anchored with the help of a crane.
Saw down two maypoles
The fire brigade and police also had to move out in the Baden district because of maypole incidents. In Pottendorf, strangers sawed down a maypole at a roundregarding and stole decorative figures, in Deutsch-Brodersdorf the tree in front of the fire station was cut down. In both cases, the strangers left the trees or parts of them on the road.
In Pottendorf, sawing down the maypole is already a “tradition”, it said in a broadcast. Mayor Thomas Sabbata-Valteiner (SPÖ) was outraged and wants to press charges: “It has nothing to do with tradition, it’s unimaginable if a car crashed into the tree in the roundregarding and had an accident.”