Mahrer ad Rent increase: the city remains inactive

The city can immediately cap rents in municipal housing, but is again shifting responsibility to the federal government

Vienna (OTS) “While the city uses the so-called Vienna Way at every opportunity, the city completely omits when it comes to capping rents in municipal housing. Where is the much-vaunted sense of social responsibility here?” said state party chairman Karl Mahrer in view of yesterday’s interview with Gaal, city councilor for housing, in the “Kronen Zeitung”. Once again, the City of Vienna is shifting the responsibility to the federal government instead of taking effective action in its own sphere of activity.

Social justice in the Vienna SPÖ also falls by the wayside when it comes to another question. A salary check in municipal housing in Vienna continues to be rejected, although this would ensure social accuracy. Those who are above the current income limit – which in any case represent very high earnings limits – would make a significant contribution through the higher rent so that, for example, necessary renovations can be carried out more quickly.

“The city government must finally do everything it can to effectively relieve the people in our city. But instead of exhausting all possibilities, it is literally on the brakes. That finally has to change,” Mahrer concludes.

Questions & contact:

The Vienna People’s Party
Mag. Peter Sverak
Lead – Strategic Communication
+43 664 859 5710

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