Magnesium, Iron, Selenium… Which Minerals Fight Stress and Fatigue?

2024-08-23 13:38:24

Can magnesium relieve cramps, fatigue or stress?

This mineral is involved in nearly 300 biochemical reactions in the body, involved in the regulation of heart rate and nervous system, and muscle relaxation. In short, if we feel physically and mentally overwhelmed, if we feel cramps, or if our eyelids tend to twitch, we should place a bet. Found in walnuts, cashews, almonds, chickpeas, lentils, spelt, buckwheat, whole wheat bread… “We chose organic whole wheat sourdough bread because slow fermentation promotes the degradation of phytic acid, which is naturally found in whole grains but can limit mineral absorption.”Corinne Ducaud, nutritionist at the Miramar La Cigale Thalasso Hotel, points out.

What are good magnesium-based food supplements?

A substance that the body can absorb easily without too many side effects. Some people are better at this game than others: “We tend to favor magnesium bisglycinate or glycerophosphate, plus vitamin B6 and possibly taurine, which is critical for its absorption””, explains Corinne Ducaud. Some references that fit these criteria: From Magnesium 360 Granions, Magnesium Taurate B6 Pure nutrition, Magnesium 1,500 mg Travita… We start with a regimen of 300 mg to 600 mg per day for two to three weeks and continue up to a few months depending on our needs and how we feel.

Is zinc useful against COVID-19?

hard to say Because research on this topic is conflicting. Some showed a reduction in infection-related mortality, some showed a reduction in the duration of symptoms, and some had no effect. “What is certain is that if we wish to avoid colds and other infections, it is in our best interest to monitor zinc intake, as it is essential for the proper functioning of immunity and the maturation of T4 lymphocytes.”” pointed out Jean-Noël Perin, Director of Laboratory Pharmaceuticals at EA Pharma. It is found in seafood (especially oysters), fish, offal, cheese… We will benefit from its “beautiful skin” properties because:

It limits sebum production, aids in healing, and relieves inflammation.

But if pimples are ruining our lives, eating mussels from time to time is not enough, it is better to rely on zinc-based medicines and food supplements (prescription or over-the-counter).

Solution? Yes, test for sulfur and its detoxifying effects on the body. In addition to relieving the liver, it thins mucus and flushes it out of the body. That’s why it’s included in some cold or allergy nasal sprays. “More generally, sulfur helps prevent recurrent inflammation of the otolaryngology, whether of mechanical or microbial origin””, emphasizes the pharmacist. If you find it in eggs, clams or fish, in case of infection or for prophylactic purposes (if you know you will not cut it off), it is best to contact your doctor who will prescribe a suitable of sulfur base drugs.

Is there a mineral that can help with hay fever?

manganese. “It’s not the best-known allergy medicine, but it’s very effective as a treatment starting in the springJean-Noël Perrin explains. It regulates allergic reactions by limiting the release of histamine, thereby reducing the intensity of all symptoms: runny nose, watery eyes, scratchy throat..

Diabetes: Does Chromium Help?

This is an interesting improvement, Because it helps reduce insulin spikes and blood sugar levels, thereby slowing OCD and weight gain. It can be tried in addition to prescription medications, even as a preventive measure if you have a genetic defect or have trouble controlling your sugar cravings. Experts recommend a three-month course of chromium picolinate to see real changes: otherwise, you may be disappointed with the results.

I feel tired 24 hours a day. Is it because of iron deficiency?

Yes, because it is essential for the proper functioning of red blood cells Responsible for delivering oxygen to muscles. When we don’t eat enough (e.g. little or no meat and fish) or can’t maintain adequate stores (heavy menstruation, illness, etc.), we feel exhausted, quickly out of breath, and even a little dizzy and pale , nails and hair are fragile.

Can we use lithium ampoules instead of antidepressants?

Bad idea. If lithium has long been used as a drug to combat bipolar disorder, then in the form of a trace element (at a dose 400 times smaller) it has an even greater effect on mild mood disorders. Therefore, it is not a replacement for antidepressant medications in cases of established depression, but it may be of interest in occasional cases of anxiety or sleep problems. “For example, it can be used in conjunction with magnesium when you are having trouble sleeping due to rumination or are afraid of a specific event. Some doctors and pharmacists also use it to help patients successfully wean themselves off benzodiazepines.designated Jean Noel Perrin.

Is calcium still useful when you already have osteoporosis?

Even essential. We need calcium after menopause to protect our decreasing bone mass for as long as possible. This is especially true when the bones are already weakened (osteoporosis). On the other hand, meta-analysis (Cochrane) Research published last year showed that taking calcium supplements after menopause Does not restore bone mass lost. Therefore, we focus on cheese, milk, and yogurt (including goat and sheep yogurt), but also beans, nuts, leafy vegetables, tofu, some mineral waters, and vitamin D (drops or ampoules, prescription required ), which is necessary to maintain health.

Iron deficiency: Which is better, capsules or spinach?

We only replenish it if a blood test shows a definite defect. Otherwise, beware of iron overload in the body, which may damage the liver. In all cases, we review our diet simultaneously to include organ meats, red meat, seafood, egg yolks, etc. We are wary of tea because it slows the absorption of minerals. “Iron medications may cause transport impairment, forcing some patients to discontinue treatment. In these cases, we can test spirulina, which is rich in iron, which is well absorbed by the body. We start with 2 grams or 3 grams per day Grams to start and then increase based on tolerance and agreement with your health professional, up to 5 grams.designated Corinne Ducaud.

Also read

Magnesium Food Supplements: Best Value Never Take These Medications and Supplements Together
#Magnesium #Iron #Selenium #Minerals #Fight #Stress #Fatigue



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