Magistrates of the 4th. Judicial District modifies provisional detention for lawyer…

Judicial Shenanigans and House Arrests: The Latest from the Courts

Gather ‘round, ladies and gentlemen, and let me regale you with the latest episode in the courtroom saga that even Netflix wouldn’t dare to script! On October 18, the Superior Court of Appeals of the Fourth Judicial District decided to trade the harsh cold bars of provisional detention for the warmer, cozier embrace of house arrest. That’s right! Instead of sharing a lovely cell with a cellmate named Big Bob, our lawyer friend is instead putting on his best robe and settling in for a life of luxury—well, luxury for a captive!

This legal drama stars Judges Fernando Bedregal (the head honcho), Waldo Batista, and Flor María González, who came together this fine Friday morning to hear the case of a lawyer with a rather tenuous grasp on liberty and logic. The judges, after what I can only assume was a riveting debate over whether the lawyer’s grasp of psychological injury was worse than his fashion sense, opted for house arrest, sporting an electronic bracelet as a trendy accessory. I mean, who needs diamonds when you can have a fashion statement that screams “I might have psychological issues”?

The drama unfolded when the accused allegedly took his partner on what can only be described as a less-than-enjoyable psychological rollercoaster ride—one that included a stop at ‘deprivation of liberty’ station. Oh, the romance! It all turned nasty from October 8 to 11 in a quaint neighborhood called La Ermita, which sounds charming but might as well have a “Welcome to Crazy Town” sign at the entrance.

Now, let’s talk about the cast: prosecutor Sandra Vergara represented the Public Ministry, clearly armed with the belief that lawyers should either act like they’re worth their salt or end up as a legal punchline. Meanwhile, our unfortunate defendant, legally shielded by defender Marcia Girón, must be bracing for the media storm that is guaranteed to follow. Who needs reality TV when you can watch a courtroom duel unfold live? Just add a few sound effects, some dramatic music, and we have a spectacle!

So, here’s the takeaway for aspiring criminals out there: if you’re going to commit crimes, remember to do it in style, with a good legal team and perhaps keep the psychological ailments to a minimum. Stay safe, stay smart, and keep your legal shenanigans strictly between you and the law—because the last thing you want is to be the punchline of a courtroom comedy!

Reporting live from the land of the absurd, this has been your cheeky commentary on judicial affairs. Stay tuned for more updates as the drama unfolds—because in the judicial world, you can always expect a twist!


The Superior Court of Appeals of the Fourth Judicial District, constituted by judges Fernando Bedregal (president), Waldo Batista and Flor María González, in a hearing held on the morning of this Friday, October 18, modified the personal precautionary measure of provisional detention, issued in first instance by a guarantee judge, and in its place, ordered the house arrest, the use of an electronic bracelet and the prohibition of approaching and communicating by any means with the victim, a 44-year-old lawyer, accused as the alleged perpetrator of the crimes of deprivation of liberty and psychological personal injuries, to the detriment of his partner.

The magistrates, after listening to and analyzing the arguments of the intervening parties, assessed the elements of judgment that remain in the investigated case and the procedural risk of danger to attack the victim and the impact on evidence.

During this appeal hearing, prosecutor Sandra Vergara participated, as a representative of the Public Ministry, while the accused was legally assisted by the private technical defender, Marcia Girón.

The present criminal case is related to events that occurred on October 11, when the lawyer allegedly psychologically attacked the victim and deprived her of her freedom in the La Ermita neighborhood, district of Las Tablas, province of Los Santos, from the 8th to the 11th. October of the current year.

Por: Ivis Leonardo Franco

Reviewed: gas.



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