Maggie Tavibi attacks the government and claims that neglect was carried out in the north

Maggie Tavibi attacks the government and claims that neglect was carried out in the north

While the social networks are filled this morning (Sunday) with harsh claims against Benjamin Netanyahu and his government on the murder of the six abductees held captive by Hamas, also presented by the main edition of Channel 14 Maggie Tabibidoes not spare sharp criticism against the government, which it mostly supports.

Maggie Tabibi, Channel 14 (Photo: Channel 14)

Even before the reports this morning about the return of the bodies of the six abductees who were murdered in the last few days in the captivity of Hamas, who could have returned to Israel in the deal, had it not been for Netanyahu’s opposition, Tavibi, anchor of News 14, who works for a channel that supports Netanyahu and his government, proves that she is an objective journalist who knows how to criticize the government, without fear.

In the questions and answers that Tavibi gave last night on social networks as Shabbat ended, Tavibi was asked what she thought of the north, Tavibi did not hesitate and replied pointing an accusing finger at the government: “The desert, I have said this before. Tens of thousands of residents are still living as refugees in their country, with no date in sight. In the test The result is a score of 100/100 with zero promises in making decisions on the ground.”

Maggie Tavibi on the North (photo: screenshot from Instagram)



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