Magda El Roumi and Ragheb Alama offer condolences in Elie Choueiri – Art

2023-05-06 20:54:31

The family of the Lebanese artist Elie Choueiri, who left our world a few days ago and was buried in Lebanon, received condolences today at the Church of Saint Demetrius in Ashrafieh in Lebanon, and the family is scheduled to receive condolences tomorrow, Sunday, in the same church.

Artists offer condolences for the late

Condolences were offered by a number of Lebanese artists, led by Ragheb Alama and Majida Al-Roumi. Lilian Nimri was also present, and a number of Lebanese media figures were keen to attend, including Rima Najm, Ola Al-Murr and her husband, Marwan Semaan.

Magda El Roumi mourns Elie Choueiri

Magda Al-Roumi mourned the late writer: “I am saddened by the news of the passing of the great friend Elie Choueiri after a lifetime of immortal gifts that will remain as long as we live and the authentic Lebanese song and its glorious time last for us. Who among us did not enjoy his elaborate oriental performance, did not rejoice to hear this unique Lebanese nightingale, who spent his life moving with his sweet voice and wonderful works between one great artistic name and another, and another glorious artistic work and another? But rest, my beloved colleague, and rest assured that your name will remain written in gold in the book of glories of the eternal Lebanese song forever.

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