Magaly Medina calls Choca Mandros macho for sticking up for Said Palao: “Being gay, I should be more pro-woman” | Alejandra Baigorria | show business | SHOWS

Magaly Medina unloaded all its artillery against Choca Mandros last Wednesday, after hearing his comments on the recent ampay of Said Palao with an unknown young woman, despite maintaining a relationship with Alejandra Baigorria. The host of ‘Más Espectáculos’ assured that the reality boy only owes explanations to his partner and does not have to justify himself to his audience.

MIRA: Young woman supported by Said Palao breaks her silence: “He did flirt with me, but I didn’t know he had a partner”

“It has gotten into your little head so much that since you are a member of America, now you think that because you are a little conductor of America now you are going to dictate the norms of what is customary at the media or non-media level. Oh please, that’s why they call it the laundry, because they wash everyone’s face”commented the magpie about Choca and his television house.

He also assured that the driver appeared with a superb air, as if he were at home, and reminded him that it is due to his audience, mainly made up of housewives. “They cannot be saying that it is something that only concerns them, no, no, no, when you live from the rest of the people, you have businesses that you do with your networks, you owe them an explanation, they are not only x people, they are two media that owe everything to their public, therefore, they have to explain what they do with their lives “Magaly Medina said.

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Finally, the magpie described Choca Mandros as “macho.” “I don’t know what his macho mentality is, and look at Choca being also gay, he should be more pro-woman, not tolerate this type of disrespect. Now he is just any macho ”said the driver.

Magaly Medina assured that Choca Mandros is now an “ordinary macho” after trying to defend Said Palao after his ampay with an unknown young woman.


After the images of the model Melissa Byrne (the protagonist of the scenes) recognized that the ‘Samurai’ of he did flirt with her.

Melissa gave a telephone interview to Magaly Tv, La Firme where he told what happened with the boyfriend of Alejandra Baigorria.

There was a flirtation let’s say yes, I want to clarify that I had no idea that he was with a partner. I don’t expect anyone with a partner, finally I don’t expect someone with a partner to come and dance with me”, manifested Melissa.

He added that the moment flowed and was not planned. “I was passing by and he grabs me by the waist, he tells me something that I couldn’t understand, I just looked at him. One as a woman realizes when they were flirting with her “he added.

Though, Melissa Bryne acknowledged that he did not speak with Said Palaoif he detailed that “there were looks”.

“I had no idea that he had a partner. I don’t follow people I don’t know. How am I going to know that someone I don’t follow is in a relationship? Even less if he comes and flirts with me, I assume he doesn’t have a partner ”, said the model about Said Palao.

Did Alejandra Baigorria speak out after the ampay to Said Palao?

Despite the fact that he is already in Peru, and has been shown on social networks, Ale Baigorria made a vow of silence and did not comment on the images of his partner with another young woman.

However, on his social networks, many of his followers recommend that he end the reality boy, since it is “a lot” for him.


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