Maduro’s ties to Iran spark opposition warning

@NicolasMaduro- Maduro’s links with Iran generate suspicions and warnings in the Venezuelan opposition.

The scandal of the Venezuelan-Iranian plane seized in Buenos Aires put under suspicion not only the relations between Chavismo and the Islamic revolution, but also the express trip of Nicolás Maduro to Iran. Maduro left Tehran with an unknown destination following signing strategic agreements for the next 20 years and confirming his “indestructible friendship” in search of a “new and anti-imperialist world” with the Iranian president, Ebrahim Raisi, and the “supreme leader”, Ali Khamenei.

“I held a meeting full of spirituality and wisdom. I appreciate his words, which strengthen my soul and give us the necessary strength to continue walking the path of a world of peace, ”Maduro stressed.

Julio Borges, former foreign minister of the interim government, warned regarding the Ezeiza scandal, which “generates a lot of suspicion and should set off alarms in the entire region. Maduro’s relationship with Iran has escalated to a new dimension that represents a severe risk to the security of the hemisphere.” Since 2021, Venezuela has used the prototype of the unmanned aerial vehicle system and missile equipment, according to the opposition leader.

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The Iranian airline Mahan Air, which allegedly sold the Boeing 747 this year to the subsidiary of Conviasa, the flag carrier of Venezuela. Previously used to transport weapons and extremist groups. “It is the anti-Western dream in full swing, extremely worrying,” he reacted to THE NATION Venezuelan prosecutor Zair Mundaray, today in exile. During her time in Venezuela, Luisa Ortega’s prosecutors investigated a plot to issue false passports to Iranian citizens, which coincided during the time in the Ministry of the Interior of Tarek el Aissami, with known links to Hezbollah and one of the most powerful.

“There must be an important cell consolidating in Argentina, which has suffered from these ills for a long time. From the geopolitical point of view, establishing themselves in the north of South America, as they are doing in Venezuela and in the extreme south, is important from all perspectives. Energy, money, redoubts to plan, hide people and capital”, warns Mundaray.

El Aissami, currently in charge of the Ministry of Petroleum, was investigated by the New York Prosecutor’s Office. This is due to existing suspicions that he provided Venezuelan passports to Hezbollah and Hamas. He was later punished. His “head”, like that of Maduro, has a price: 10 million dollars.

Militiamen and guerrillas

In his different confessions, Hugo “el Pollo” Carvajal, head of intelligence and counterintelligence with Hugo Chávez and Maduro, recounted his trip with El Aissami to Iran and Syria. Where he met with Hezbollah leaders to send militiamen to Venezuela and train them with the FARC guerrillas.

“While the Argentine authorities proceeded firmly, from a country politically allied with the Venezuelan ruling party, Maduro was on an official visit to Iran, signing cooperation agreements with Tehran for 20 years, which is still seen as a unnecessary provocation at this time”, the internationalist Milos Alcalay stressed for this newspaper..

In the end, the alliance between Caracas and Tehran is essential for the subsistence of the Chavista revolution in the face of US sanctions, especially in oil matters. Precisely that “address strategies aimed at counteracting the criminal sanctions once morest both peoples”, became the objective of the meeting in the Iranian capital between Maduro and the Oil Minister, Javad Owji.

“PDVSA is a dwarf fed by Iran”

“Despite the US sanctions that began in 2018, the revolution has managed to maintain itself thanks to its progressive transformation into a narco-state and its export of illegal gold. However, it desperately needs an oil ally that will allow it to export oil. And receive supplies of diluents to mix with their heavy oil from the Orinoco because it is the only way to sell it. Iran is geographically unfavorable, but the best alternative. Since the Iranians They will control the refineries in Venezuela through the contract signed between the two governments. In oil matters, Iranian technology is below that which has existed in Venezuela. But now it is the only one available to Maduro”, he explains to THE NATION the former director of Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) Gustavo Coronel.

“PDVSA was a giant and now it is a dwarf fed by Iran,” says the oil expert.

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