Maduro Unveils Holiday Spirit in October for Venezuela

“It’s September and it’s already like Christmas. So this year, to honor and thank you all, I will order Christmas to begin on October 1st. Christmas has arrived for everyone, in peace, joy and safety!”, the Venezuelan president said on Monday (2/9). It’s not the first time Maduro has extended the official national Christmas season, which in Venezuela is often accompanied by extra bonuses for civil servants and more lavish gifts in state handouts.

Last year, Maduro ordered Christmas to start on November 1, later expressing regret for not starting it sooner. In 2021, with the country hit by the Covid-19 pandemic and in lockdown, Maduro decided that Christmas would start on October 4 as a tactic to stimulate the economy.

Venezuela is in political crisis

Hours before Maduro announced the Christmas celebration, Venezuelan authorities published an arrest warrant for his main rival, opposition leader Edmundo Gonzalez, accusing him of “crimes linked to terrorism.”

The opposition coalition backing Gonzalez insists the election result that installed Maduro as president was rigged, releasing tally reports showing Maduro actually lost the presidency by a wide margin.

The US and other governments have asked the Venezuelan authorities to release detailed voting data so that they can recognize the result.

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