Maduro: They want to eliminate all those who think differently from the right

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Fascism is characterized by a desperate response to the advance of socialist ideals, based on terror, hatred, and the desire for revenge “of the last names,” said the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during the broadcast of episode number 13 of his podcast, together with content creator Diego Ruzzarin and political scientist Juan Carlos Monedero.

“Fascism goes through phases, first it deceives the masses, it is an irrational phenomenon that is based on emotional leadership. In Venezuela we know what we are talking about because we have just been victims of a criminal attack, not only a cyber attack, but a fascist attack that sought to eliminate the entire population that thinks differently from the right and the savage capitalists,” said the Head of State.

Likewise, he highlighted that in order to advance this coup d’état, the far-right dedicated itself to creating a narrative in the media and social networks in which they made people believe that electoral fraud had occurred in the country in order to justify violence and foreign interventionism in Venezuela’s internal affairs.

#Maduro #eliminate #differently
2024-08-27 22:20:07



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