Maduro: “The real economy in Venezuela has been growing for 11 quarters”

It seems that there are two countries when it comes to sanctions. Nicolás Maduro said on Monday that the “unilateral coercive measures imposed against the country” were intended to prevent progress towards the construction of an alternative economic model to neoliberalism and capitalism.

«We are building a new economic-social formation (…) We have suffered a ruthless, brutal attack. What was the objective of all the attacks in recent years? To prevent the construction in Venezuela of an alternative model that would demonstrate total success in achieving well-being, peace, a new democracy and that would demonstrate that there are alternatives to neoliberalism and savage capitalism. he said during his program Con Maduro +.

The president recalled that the damage to property in these years of sanctions, “requested by the extreme right, the surnames (extreme right), the oligarchy, to Venezuela reaches 642,000 million dollars«.

However, he notes that the economy grew, although not by the percentage required in the minimum wage to purchase the basic basket.

“The economy that produces food, medicines and construction has grown; the real non-oil economy. The oil and gas economy is also beginning to grow, with its own effort and its own capital,” he said, adding that they are recovering, in parallel, the state of social welfare.

On the other hand, Maduro also signed the Law Approving Air Services between Venezuela and China, an instrument developed under the principles of cooperation and reciprocity.

For the first time, this agreement is made between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to establish direct air services to promote tourism.“, he emphasized.

During his program, the Head of State signed the Law Agreement on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments between Venezuela and Turkey

It is a law of economic character that puts us on a higher level for relations and investments, trade, with our sister Republic of Türkiye.“, said.

In turn, the Turkish ambassador to Venezuela, Naci Aydan Karamanoğlu, stated that this legal agreement strengthens bilateral economic relations. In addition, the IV Joint Commission is scheduled to meet on May 21 and 22 to discuss issues related to cooperation.

#Maduro #real #economy #Venezuela #growing #quarters
2024-07-22 19:18:03



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