Maduro said he will attack mafias installed in Venezuela

Maduro mafias Venezuela
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Nicolás Maduro promised to attack “with an iron hand” the mafias installed inside the hospitals of Venezuela and those who are in charge of the illegal sale of fuel and scrap.

«We are going to go with an iron fist against all the mafias. They dress up whatever they dress up, wherever they are, “Maduro said during his participation this Saturday in the Congress of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). Which was broadcast on the Venezuelan State Television channel (VTV).

Regarding the hospital mafias, he explained that the Minister of Health, Magaly Gutiérrez, has the full support of the State security forces. This in order to achieve, “this year”, that all the “hospitals in the country (…) function fully and completely for the people. Without mafias that steal equipment, without mafias that steal medicines».

“We already have the plan and we are moving forward. We are going to dismember all the mafias from all the hospitals,” said the national president.

He indicated that measures are also being taken around the mafias for the illegal sale of fuel and scrap metal. Some issues that he entrusted to the Oil Minister, Tareck El Aissami, and to Maduro’s vice president, Delcy Rodríguez.

“Here we go, gradually, taking tactical measures and taking strategic measures that are going to solve the issue of the gasoline mafia,” Maduro pointed out regarding the illegal sale of fuel.

Maduro promised to attack the mafias installed in Venezuela

He recalled that there is already a mayor who was arrested last January during an operation against fuel smuggling. Referring to the local ruler of the Independencia municipality, in the state of Anzoátegui, the Chavista Carlos Rafael Vidal and other officials arrested for links to illegal acts of this type.

Likewise, Maduro asked Venezuelans “not to be surprised” by the blows they will give “in the coming days” to those who are engaged in the illegal sale of scrap metal within Venezuelan territory.

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«When we go after a goal, nothing stops us because we are independent. I am an independent president, I do not depend on anyone, on any mafia, on any oligarchy, on any small group », he added.

During this event, the PSUV unanimously approved the Code of Ethics, Honesty and Revolutionary Discipline. As well as the members of the board of directors and the national political council of the ruling party.

Maduro was ratified as president of the Chavista organization and Diosdado Cabello as the first vice president of this political body.

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