Maduro Revokes Brazil’s Authorization to Safeguard Argentina’s Embassy

2024-09-07 13:25:37

government Nicolás Maduro He canceled the authorization Brazil Defending the Argentinian Embassy Caracas. Previously, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted a request to the International Criminal Court to arrest the Venezuelan leader.

security forces Venezuela Last night, they surrounded Argentina‘s official residence in Caracas, where six of Nicolás Maduro’s opposition leaders remain holed up after securing a seizure of Brazil’s mandate to protect Argentina’s official territories.

There are no Argentine representatives in the embassy and official residence because, by order of the Venezuelan government, diplomats working there must leave the country in August. since then, Brazil is responsible for the security of the building and cares for the leader who reports to Maria Collina Machado.

Pedro Uruchututhe party’s international coordinator sell venezuela (VV) and one of the refugees reported the situation through his account on social network X.

“SEBIN and DAET patrols and armed hooded officials surrounded and surrounded Argentinian residences in Caracas,” said Uruchultu, who is protected by the Argentine government.

The political power returns Cut off power to diplomatic headquarterssaid Omar González Moreno, national leader of Machado’s party.

“They cut off the electricity service to the Argentine embassy in Caracas, which is currently under siege by SEBIN agents and other national security forces,” the Venezuelan leader said in X’s account.

In addition to Uruchultu, there are Magalli Meda, campaign manager for the presidential elections; Claudia Macero, VV communications coordinator; Omar González, former deputy; VV campaign command electoral coordinator Humberto Villalobos and former minister Fernando Martínez Mottola, adviser to the main opposition group Platform for Democratic Unity (PUD).

Photo of Javier Milei confirms that he will present the 2025 budget in Congress

Argentina’s request against Nicolás Maduro

Six opponents take refuge behind authoritarian prosecutor’s office Accusing them of various crimes such as conspiracy and treasonwait.

The embassy siege came shortly after Argentina’s foreign ministry urged the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant Against Maduro and “other leaders of the regime”After the July 28 presidential election.

Source: Argentina News

#Nicolás #Maduro #revokes #Brazils #authorization #guard #Argentinas #embassy

​What‌ are ⁤the current implications of Nicolás‌ Maduro’s regime surround action⁤ on the Argentine Embassy in‌ Caracas?

Tension Escalates: Venezuela’s Nicolás‍ Maduro Under Siege

The situation in Caracas has reached a boiling point as Venezuelan security ⁣forces, led‍ by President Nicolás⁤ Maduro, have surrounded‌ the Argentine Embassy‌ and official‍ residence, ‌where six​ opposition leaders⁤ have taken ‍refuge [[3]]. This latest development comes⁣ after⁣ Argentina’s government requested the International Criminal Court to ​arrest Maduro, citing human rights violations and authoritarian rule [[3]].

The Background

Nicolás Maduro, who has been the⁣ President of Venezuela ⁤since⁤ 2013, has been under intense scrutiny from the international‌ community [[2]]. After the death ‌of ⁣Hugo Chávez, Maduro took over⁤ as‍ President, and his grip on power has only‍ tightened‌ over ⁤the years ‍ [[1]]. However, recent elections have cast doubt on his legitimacy, with opposition groups claiming he lost in⁢ a landslide [[3]].

The Siege

Last⁤ night,⁣ Venezuelan ⁣security forces, ‍including SEBIN and DAET patrols, ‌surrounded the ‌Argentine Embassy and official residence ‍in Caracas, where the six opposition leaders are hiding ⁤ [[3]]. The leaders,‍ including Pedro Uruchutu,⁤ Magalli‌ Meda, Claudia ⁣Macero, Omar González, ‌Humberto Villalobos, and Fernando Martínez Mottola, are all members of the Venezuelan opposition group, VV​ (Sell⁢ Venezuela) [[3]].

The ‌situation has⁢ escalated, with the Venezuelan government‍ cutting off electricity to the ‍embassy and official residence, according to ⁤Omar González Moreno, national leader of Machado’s party [[3]]. The ‌leaders are​ currently being protected by the Argentine government, which has condemned Maduro’s actions as a ​violation of international law [[3]].

Regional Implications

The situation has sparked concern across the region, with many countries⁢ criticizing Maduro’s authoritarian rule and human rights abuses [[3]]. Brazil, which has been ⁤responsible for the⁣ security of ‍the Argentine Embassy‍ and official residence since August, has⁢ been caught in ‌the middle of the crisis [[3]].

As the situation continues to unfold, ⁤the world watches with bated breath, wondering what the next move will be for Nicolás Maduro and the⁣ Venezuelan ‌opposition. ‍Will⁣ the International Criminal Court take⁣ action against Maduro, ​or will he manage to cling to power? One thing is​ certain​ – the⁤ fate of Venezuela hangs in the balance.


[1] ⁢Britannica – The presidency of Nicolás Maduro

[2] Wikipedia – Nicolás Maduro

[3] The​ Washington Post – Maduro likely lost Venezuela’s election but refuses to leave

Here are some potential PAA (People Also Ask) questions related to the title “Argentina’s Request Against Nicolás Maduro: A Crisis Unfolds“:

Argentina’s Request Against Nicolás Maduro: A Crisis Unfolds

As of 2024, the situation in Venezuela has taken a drastic turn with Argentina’s request to the International Criminal Court to arrest Nicolás Maduro, the President of Venezuela. This move comes after Maduro’s government cancelled the authorization for Brazil to defend the Argentinian Embassy in Caracas [[1]]. The events that have unfolded since then have put the spotlight on the tense relations between Venezuela and Argentina.

Security Forces Surround Argentinian Embassy

In a shocking move, security forces in Venezuela surrounded Argentina’s official residence in Caracas, where six of Nicolás Maduro’s opposition leaders have taken refuge. The opposition leaders, including Pedro Uruchutu, Magalli Meda, Claudia Macero, Omar González, Humberto Villalobos, and Fernando Martínez Mottola, have been holed up in the embassy since August, when the Venezuelan government ordered Argentine diplomats to leave the country [[2]][[3]].

Brazil Takes Responsibility for Embassy Security

Since the Argentine diplomats left, Brazil has been responsible for the security of the building and cares for the leader who reports to Maria Collina Machado. However, the situation took a turn for the worse when Venezuelan security forces, including SEBIN and DAET patrols, surrounded the embassy, cutting off power to the diplomatic headquarters [[2]][[3]].

Implications of the Crisis

The current implications of Nicolás Maduro’s regime’s surround action on the Argentine Embassy in Caracas are far-reaching. The situation has raised concerns about the safety and security of the opposition leaders and the diplomatic staff. The move by Argentina to request the International Criminal Court to arrest Maduro has escalated the tensions between the two nations.

International Community Weighs In

The international community has been watching the situation unfold with bated breath. The United States has taken action against officials of the former Maduro regime involved in obstructing the Venezuelan National Assembly [[1]]. Ecuador, too, has been drawn into the crisis, with Venezuela closing its embassy in Ecuador in solidarity with Mexico [[2]][[3]].


The crisis surrounding Nicolás Maduro’s regime and the Argentine Embassy in Caracas is a complex and multifaceted issue. As the situation continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the international community will respond to the escalating tensions between Venezuela and Argentina. One thing is certain, however – the world is watching, and the stakes are high.







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