Maduro offers financing to one million entrepreneurs

President Nicolás Maduro will provide financing to one million new entrepreneurs starting August 1, announcement that comes six days before the presidential elections.

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At a campaign event in Trujillo state, the president asked private banks to provide at least 500,000 additional loans, in order to support a total of 1,500,000 new entrepreneurs.In the last three years, the Maduro government has financed 1,327,000 new entrepreneurs.

The president said that he has “the reins of the new productive economy,” expressing his desire to “democratize credit,” so that “money circulates and reaches those who need it to work, to produce.”

During the campaign event, Maduro recalled that in 2019 Venezuela registered an inflation of 329,000%, and blamed the “economic war and sanctions”He said the country has been growing and “slowing inflation,” and he predicted economic growth of more than 8% by the end of the year.

How to obtain CrediEmprende, CrediJoven and CrediMujer?

Among the programs to obtain credits, the Bank of Venezuela (BDV) launched different benefits to its clients through CrediEmprende, CrediJoven and CrediMujer, in order to promote the growth of entrepreneurs in the country, and which can be obtained by following these steps:

  • Register on the Emprender Juntos platform and be Venezuelan or a naturalized foreigner.
  • Marketing products or brands through social media.
  • Formalized personal signature and developing economic activity for less than 2 years.
  • Have at least six months of economic activity (not limiting).
  • Have physical infrastructure or digital platform.
  • Copy of registration in the EmprendeBDV program.
  • In the case of CrediMujer, you must be registered in the Great Venezuela Women Mission, a step that is carried out through the Patria System.

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#Maduro #offers #financing #million #entrepreneurs
2024-07-25 13:04:24



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