Maduro government accelerates the return of expropriated assets

Government of Nicolás Maduro accelerates the return of goods expropriated during Chavismo

The government of Nicolás Maduro accelerates the process of returning the expropriated assets without compensation or compensatory payments for those affected, according to the Spanish portal The country.

The process will allow the return to their owners of farms destroyed after the administration of the State. Although without any compensatory payment to those affected by such measures that date from the time of former President Hugo Chávez.

With discretion and without big announcements, Maduro officials are advancing a scale process to return assets expropriated in recent years to the private sector.

The decision includes a list of properties and companies, in which, at the moment, farms and herds linked to agricultural production stand out, although there are also hotels and industries.

Hermeticism is key in this process. The return of the Sambil Shopping Center to its owners, the Cohen family, who had spent months in secret negotiations seems to be the tip of the iceberg.

the referred half spanish He explained that in no case does the figure of compensation or compensatory payments to those affected seem to be raised.

The brothers Delcy and Jorge Rodríguez, Tarek El Aissami, and the ministers of the economic and commercial area, with the authorization of Nicolás Maduro, lead the delivery schedule. This with selective character and that under a developed with objections and resistances in the chavista sector.

The communication of the ruling party with the business community is fluid, the sources consulted point out. The government, some businessmen and several unions plan to convene the Social Dialogue Forum by the end of this month, with Maduro acting as referee. This in the presence of officials from the International Labor Organization.

Maduro’s government accelerates the return of goods expropriated during Chavismo

In the agrarian area, the Maduro government and the businessmen are discussing a working paper in which the return of expropriated goods to their original owners is evaluated. Such as in the cases of herds such as El Rodeo, located in the state of Guárico, with 3,600 hectares.

In addition, the Hato Las Mercedes, in Barinas, with 14,000 hectares; the Fundo San Roque, in the state of Zulia, with 176 hectares and the Salesian Agronomic School San José, in Barinas, with 1,800 hectares. Also the Fundo San Antonio, in Yaracuy state, with 1,200 hectares; the Fundo Buena Esperanza, in Zulia, with 900 hectares and the Hato Cristo/El Trébol, in the State of Mérida, with 530 hectares.

Also noteworthy are the Fundo San Felipe, in the state of Zulia, with 275 hectares; the Hacienda Bolívar, in the state of Zulia, with 4,000 hectares or the Hato El Zamuro, in the state of Portuguesa, with 6,200 hectares. With a few exceptions, the Maduro Executive is usually returning dismantled and inoperable assets that were operating normally before being seized.

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Chavista officials make various proposals to the expropriated owners of manufacturing companies and industries —the agrochemical and service company AgroIsleña, Aceites Diana; the Sivensa steel company. But, unlike what happens with the haciendas, the offer is received with disbelief and reluctance.

More expropriated companies

El País highlighted that the state hotel chain Venetur is shedding some of its headquarters. Walter Stipa, a businessman close to Chavismo, takes control of some of them to operate them. Chavismo is offering service contracts under the figure of concessions. His officials remain very reluctant to use the word “privatization.”

It should be noted that in 2006, Hugo Chávez began a progressive takeover of assets and companies from the private sector. By then he invoked the national interest and proposed the existence of alternative property formulas. This, after denying many times that he intended to do so.

Politics was part of the strategic interest of “controlling the means of production” to make the revolutionary utopia a reality.

The wave of nationalizations, expropriations, seizures and “rescue” of land in Venezuela, is supposed to do social justice and redistribute wealth. In his actions he included cement factories, glass factories, iron and steel, hotels, oil operators, the electrical service and the telephone company.

This process reached paroxysm in 2010 and 2011, shortly before Chávez fell ill with cancer.

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