Maduro continued his marketing campaign in Trujillo

The ruler Nicolás Maduro continued his electoral marketing campaign, this time he did it for the state of Trujillo, the place he’s Tuesday he made a tour and a focus at night time.

On his tour, he was within the city of Isnotú to go to the birthplace of Dr. José Gregorio Hernández. Within the Valera municipality, the Dr. Alan Delfín Complete Diagnostic Middle (CDI) reopened, recovered by the Army Neighborhood Brigades for Training and Well being (Bricomiles), VTV reported. The well being heart would profit 12 thousand households.

At night time, at a rally within the metropolis of Trujillo, which in line with Maduro, was a “shock,” he introduced that On June 23, the stays of José Cristóbal de Mendoza y Montilla might be transferred to the Nationwide Pantheonthe place the heroes of the nation relaxation.

Cristóbal de Mendoza (Trujillo, 6/23/1772 – Caracas 2/8/1829) was a statesman, jurist, historian and journalist, first president of Venezuela (1811) and collaborator of the Liberator Simón Bolívar.

The ruler and presidential candidate of the PSUV expressed his admiration for the hero: “I’ve a debt with you, on June 23 we are going to take Cristóbal Mendoza to the Nationwide Pantheon, We’re going to Caracas! “He acknowledged.

#Maduro #continued #marketing campaign #Trujillo
2024-06-26 23:53:23

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