Maduro celebrates Christmas on October 1

In the midst of the serious crisis following the disputed presidential election in Venezuela, socialist President Nicolas Maduro is moving Christmas forward by almost three months. “It is September and it already smells like Christmas. As a thank you to the fighting people, I will bring Christmas forward by decree to October 1,” he said. “Christmas comes with peace, joy and security.”

This is not the first time that Maduro has resorted to this measure to distract from problems. During the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, he moved Christmas forward to October 15, and the following year to October 4.

Traditionally, the socialist government distributes gift packages in the country’s poor neighborhoods during the Christmas season, including pork knuckle. Two years ago, the gift package for children also included an action figure with Maduro’s face.

Arrest warrant against opposition candidate

Politically, however, Maduro does not appear to be inspired by Christmas peace. Just this week, the judiciary issued an arrest warrant for the opposition candidate Edmundo Urrutia, who is in hiding. The public prosecutor’s office accuses him of, among other things, usurping office and having links to financiers of “terrorism”.

According to Venezuelan sources, Nicolas Maduro was re-elected in the election on July 28. The opposition and large parts of the international community accuse Maduro of election manipulation. 27 people have been killed so far in protests against the re-election. The EU, the USA and several South American states do not recognize Maduro’s re-election.



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