Madrid announce recovery before summer


Despite some timid progress, the diplomatic crisis between Morocco and Spain has not completely died down. As proof, one of the focal points underlying this crisis is the maritime link between the two countries. Stopped for reasons of a pandemic, the maritime link between the two countries has still not worked effectively, to the chagrin of Spain, which is becoming more and more impatient.

For some time, Spain has been seeking discussions with the Moroccan authorities in order to be able to restart ferry services between the two countries for civilian travelers and tourists. Since the outbreak of the bilateral diplomatic crisis between Morocco and Spain and the first border closures linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, direct ferry connections between Spanish and Moroccan ports for civilian traffic have been interrupted.

Only commercial transport can use the ferries offered. According to the will of the Spanish President of State Public Ports, Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena, this should happen this summer. For the Spanish ports, the era of the diplomatic estrangement between the two countries is a ” challenge said Mr. Álvaro Rodríguez Dapena in an interview with europasur. As part of his tour and visits to some ports in the country, including Algeciras, he highlighted the geostrategic importance of this port, also in competition with other Spanish ports, as well as with the Moroccan port of Tangier Med, which continues to grow, as well as the overall need for port services in the region.

→ Read also: Morocco, a “strategic country” for Spain

Asked regarding the situation of maritime passenger transport between Morocco and Spain, Mr. Dapena replied: “ For two years, we have suffered from Morocco’s unilateral decision to interrupt regular maritime links. We have lost ten million passengers, five million each year, affecting the negative results of the Port Authority and the companies that provide passenger services and complementary services to shipping companies. Diplomatic efforts are being made to return the lines to service and restore them later this year, ideally before part of the line becomes unusable. ».

Even following the current partial opening of Morocco’s borders on February 7, 2022, the Kingdom has kept its national borders closed and only allowed exit and entry by plane. Last year entry by ferry was also allowed during the summer holidays, although Spain was explicitly excluded as a transit country, so travelers had to take ferries from France and Italy .

On the Moroccan side, the people have also shouted their fed up with this situation that they no longer understand as much for them, Spain has shown signs of appeasement. But in politics the realities often remain unfathomable, which almost all citizens do not understand. However, as on the Spanish side, the Moroccan side also suffered immense losses due to the cessation of maritime links.

Before the opening during the summer as announced by the Spanish side, perhaps the ” grand gesture will be done on the Madrid side.



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