Madonna Turns 66. She Never Bit Her Tongue

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People say I’m controversial, but I think the most controversial thing I’ve ever done is stick around. What I’d like to say to all the women here today is this: Women have been oppressed for so long that they believe what men say about them. And they believe that they have to support a man to get the job done. There are some very good men who are worth supporting, not because they’re men, but because they’re worth supporting. As women, we need to start appreciating our own worth and the worth of each other. Seek out strong women to befriend, to learn from, to be inspired by, to collaborate with, to support.

6/9 Be Nice… Larry Busacca / Getty Images

There are no rules if you are a boy. If you are a girl, you have to play the game. What kind of game is that? You are allowed to be pretty, sweet and sexy, but don’t act too smart, don’t have an opinion, don’t have an opinion that is at least not in line with the standards. You are allowed to be objectified by men and dress like a b..t, but don’t hold on to your weirdness and don’t share – I repeat – don’t share your sexual fantasies with the world. Be who men want you to be, but more importantly, be what women feel comfortable being around other men. And finally, don’t grow old, because growing old is a sin



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