Madonna: 66 years of a life dedicated to the stage and pop music

Madonna, 66, has enjoyed success for 41 years, first nationally and then worldwide as the queen of pop.

Fabian Vega

Madonnaone of the greatest exponents of the pop music Since the end of the 20th century, it has fulfilled 66 years old. Although it has happened five years brand new new musical materialin each album the queen of pop has known how to bet on her next reinvention. Doing it not only through its imagebut of the musical genre with which he decides to tell us a story, or embody some new alter ego.

Whether in the purest style of dance or even to the rhythm of a reggaetonin 41 years of careerMadonna has managed to sneak into the trendy musical genres, even imposing their own tendencies (voguing) after, according to his unauthorized biographer J. Randy Taraborrelliwas present at the beginning of the 80 in the trendy discos and clubs, looking for any opportunity with the DJs to play the music of an incipient Lucky Star.

Ever creator of the latest trendsthanks to his irreverent style and sound during the decade of the 80today one living captionwhich continues to capture the attention of followers of a whole new generation (GenZ), and daring to show its casualness human nature through their videos and songs.

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Madonna wasn’t always the queen of pop

There was a time “Pre-Madonna”in which after rising to national fame with her album Like a Virgin (1984), gained the interest of a solid fan base, allowing him to create what is to date his best-selling album: True Blue (1986).

In the United Kingdom and after the success of Deadpool in theaters, his song Like A Prayer (1989), returned to the Top 30 for the first time in almost 40 yearssince its last appearance on the list in 1995However, although many knew her through the film, the song had already caused stir Since her departure, when Madonna dared to kiss a black saint already show burning crosses while she was dancing.

And although he debuted in 1982 with his self-titled album (described by Madonna herself as an “aerobics album), during the 90s she was able to remain faithful to her essence and begin to show a deeper side through her lyrics, in albums such as Erotica (1992), Bedtime Stories (1994), o Ray Of Light (1998), the latter inspired the start of his most recent tour The Celebration Tour (2023 – 2024), which also set foot on Mexican soil from the Sports Palace.

From the 2000 (Music) Madonna was more daring to experiment with new genres and the EDMhe dance, R&B and until the reggaeton and the trap They came on the scene to demonstrate a chameleon-like capacity for reinvention which seems to have no end for the queen of pop.

Although many fans consider that his last great success was captured in Confessions On a Dance Floor (2005), his collaborations with Pharrell, Justin Timberlake and Timbaland in Hard Candy (2008), or his wild and dark attitude in MDNA (2012), as well as its most vulnerable side (Rebel Heart), but at the same time fun and danceable (Madame X) remain intact as they were at the beginning 41 years ago.

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