“Made in Mercosur”, the vision for the productive integration of the regional bloc

Asuncion, IP Agency.- Moving towards productive integration that allows for the joint manufacturing of goods between the countries of the regional bloc is the vision agreed upon by the Ministers of Economy of Mercosur who met this Sunday in Asunción, within the framework of the 64th Meeting of the Common Market Council.

“We were talking regarding the new vision of Mercosur that we all want to have, an integration that is no longer political, which was the origin of Mercosur, or a commercial vision in which a country is going to produce a good and that has free access to the market of other countries,” said the Minister of Economy and Finance of Paraguay, Carlos Fernández Valdovinos, at the end of the meeting.

“Here we are talking regarding integration in the productive sense, basically that we can integrate the productive chains of the different countries. So it will no longer be a good produced in Paraguay, Brazil or Argentina, but basically a good produced partly in Paraguay, partly in Brazil, it will really be a good produced in Mercosur,” explained the minister.

auto parts manufacturers, National Government, MIC
One of the most frequently sent items is auto parts or vehicle manufacturing. Photo: MIC

He pointed out that the maquila, through which goods are being produced jointly between Paraguay and Brazil, is a good example of this productive integration and noted that “this is where the new Mercosur must go.”

Through maquila, Paraguay has developed an entire auto parts industry that mainly supplies wiring to the Brazilian automotive industry. Paraguayan auto parts companies and Brazilian assembly companies operate under a logic of economic complementarity that allows them to gain competitiveness in the international market, benefiting both countries.

The minister said that the meeting of the Ministers of Economy and Presidents of Central Banks also discussed the growth prospects of the countries and the impact of climate factors on them, as well as the role of multilateral organizations in providing timely assistance in times of crisis.

#Mercosur #vision #productive #integration #regional #bloc
2024-07-09 06:08:16



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