MacWhisper uses OpenAI technology to generate transcripts

You know that video that you need to watch completely and transcribe the audio to assemble a caption, or even when you need those precise details of what was said in a meeting to assemble a minutes or a report?

These and other jobs can be easily done with the help of transcription utilities. But many times they are flawed and not so accurate in audio recognition, which is not the case with MacWhisperapplication that we will talk regarding today.

The software uses technology Whisper and OpenAI (company responsible for ChatGPT), which is an automatic speech recognition system trained in no less than 680,000 hours, in several languages.

MacWhisper is nothing more than simplifying the use of this technology through an application to macOSwhich lets you easily record and transcribe audio files — just drag and drop the file to get the transcript.

Another good news is that the application values ​​privacy and keeps the entire transcription process on the user’s own device — which is ideal for those who don’t like to take chances on online sites that promise to perform the same task.


The app is capable of exporting subtitles in formats such as .srt e .vttensuring that there is a synchronization between the transcripts and the minutes present in the audio file — which can be uploaded in more than 100 different languages ​​(including Portuguese).

MacWhisper offers four different transcription categories: Small, Basic, Medium, and Large — the latter two offer more accurate transcripts, although this results in higher storage usage.


Another difference between the Medium and Large categories is that they are part of the MacWhisper Prowhich can be purchased by 10. If you only intend to use the Small and Basic categories, they are covered by the standard version of the app — which is free.

via Lifehacker

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