Macron, Ukra Solution ‘Herd Number’ Controversy

“Putin promises to ease tensions” In a day of remarks … “There has never been such an agreement” Front-line rebuttal
NYT ” 외교 Diplomatic Authority-Weaken trust”

“Too far” -佛 Normal… Parody photo appeared Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) and French President Emmanuel Macron
On the 7th, he sat face to face at both ends of a table regarding 5 meters long for talks at the Kremlin Palace. After the photos of the talks were released, social media posted them on a long table
Various parody photos have appeared,including a composite of two curling players playing. Twitter Capture

French President Emmanuel Macron, 45, who is active in resolving the Ukraine war crisis, has been noted for his re-election in April’s presidential election, and for his position as a member of the European Union(EU), which was vacated by the retirement of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Even if the threat of Russian invasion has not been resolved, his intervention is creating excessive optimism that the war crisis will soon disappear.

According to, President Macron, who met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia, on the 7th, said that “the Ukraine crisis will be resolved as a result of our two talks.” “We will not exacerbate military tensions in the Ukrainian border zone, ” he said from Putin. ”We will keep the peace agreement in the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine, where there are many pro-Russian rebels, and we will withdraw the Russian troops sent to Belarus.”

Just a day later, Russian Presidential Palace spokesman Dmitry Peskov squarely countered that “Russia did not have such an agreement with France,”saying, “In fact, it is not true.” “France is a member of the EU and a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization(NATO), but it is not an EU leader, and Nato is also led by another country(the United States),”he said at the same time.

Even Ukrainians reacted skeptically. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky held talks with President Macron in Kiev, the capital, on the 8th, but responded that it was difficult to trust Macron’s remarks entirely, saying, “I don’t believe much.” The New York Times(NYT)said that “Russia is not France, but the United States should negotiate with Russia,”and that Macron’s “Shuttle diplomacy” has weakened French diplomatic authority and trust and has not been successful in resolving the Ukraine crisis.

Paris=Kim Yoon-jong correspondent



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