Macron Spars With Protesters in Mayotte After Hurricane Chido

Macron Spars With Protesters in Mayotte After Hurricane Chido

“If it wasn’t France you would be 10,000 times more in the m…!”. Controversy over the exchange between President Emmanuel Macron and a group of people who contested it, during his visit to Mayotte, the French archipelago in the Indian Ocean devastated last Saturday by the passage of Hurricane Chido. Booed yesterday by the crowd with the cry of ‘Macron démission’ (Macron resign), the head of state replied to the protesters in this way: “Don’t oppose the people! If you oppose the people we are screwed, because you are happy to be in France. Because if it wasn’t France, you would be 10,000 times more in the shit”, the president shouted in his shirt sleeves, adding: “There is no place in the Indian Ocean where they help each other so much the people.”

The video went viral on social networks and sparked comments and criticism from the opposition in Paris, starting with Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s France Insoumise.

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